I realized the other day I can love another person without needing them to love me back. I can care about them, want them to be happy, even if they never give me a thought.
Or worse, wish I'd just fall down a well.
The other night I had a dream in which my middle child was a kid again and being difficult. All of a sudden she ran at me from across the room.
And locked me in a full body hug and I felt wrapped in love.
What does it mean? Well, our dreams are all about ourselves, and I know what I felt.
Loved. Self love.
I still remember coming upon my oldest child, she was kid age, pronouncing apropos of nothing, "I love myself." So pleased she was. My Gord it was inspiring.
I titled this piece "This Is Sadness, This Is Anger, This Is Grief" because I heard Brene Brown say it in a talk about endings and the need to feel our emotions over them or they'll just bite us in the ass later.
I was able to experience my mother in very old age and I think that helps us miss a person less, but my relationship with my former mother-in-law ended more or less with the end of my marriage to her son, and so I find myself missing her on occasion.
All times are difficult, I guess, many of them unnecessarily so, but right now is so stupid it actually does hurt, doesn't it. A friend, a philosophy grad who seems to remember it all - why can't I remember even a bit of what I learned in university? - takes a very long term view of it all. She's watching something on Brit Box about Tudor England and can draw parallels to now. No problem.
Hang on, I did become a bit of an aficionado of Elizabeth I in university, but the obsession really started when I was a kid, with a CBC six part series on her dear old dad, Henry VIII and his wives. I can still remember how devastated I was when he had Catherine Howard, wife No.5, killed.
Good acting. She was hysterical, uncomprehending. It was all so unfair.
I guess my problem is I don't have a clear eyed view of history to help me with now. I'm illogical that way. It all just makes me mad.
Speaking of mad, everyone's mad at the Democrats for not doing enough to stop the coup happening in the US, but Republicans could stop it today if they wanted. They're responsible for all of it, really. People talk now as if political affiliation is something we're born with, and not an entirely social construct, like gender.
No one has to vote Republican. They choose to. And the Republican Party didn't have to nominate the Orange Goon for President. They chose to. Twice. And they don't have to put up with any of this madness now. They could just vote no. End it all.
The older I get the more I love the breakdown of stereotypes, the freeing of each other from made up convention, people just being people. My mother, a woman who, at age 38, had to switch from a woman's world to a man's, used to say of teaching and nursing that women should be glad when men join their ranks because the pay and respect goes up.
Is that what worries men about women joining their ranks? The pay and respect goes down?
Was there ever a time in history when people didn't believe male was superior to female?
Why, then, do so many people believe men need the state to protect them from women making money?
All that money for OC Transpo to improve services and still women won't feel safe waiting for, getting off, buses in certain locations at night. What's so hard about this? Shouldn't we all want public services to look after our most vulnerable citizens first? Why have them otherwise?
I want to set a good example for young people about getting old because I don't want them to fear it. So much of our way of life depends on looks and it's funny because, like babies, old people all look alike.
And we all have that same reaction to young people, whether we want to admit it or not, that they matter more than we do. It's not that we don't matter, we do. But young people matter more. Babies matter the most. We know it whenever we encounter one. And it's not a scary thing, it's a life affirming thing.
I'm not sure what we're witnessing right now, this perverse behaviour by so many people, a lot of them old. The cowardice, the bullying, the sycophancy.
The cruelty to babies.
What's happening right now in the US is an orgy of sexual perversion starring an old Orange Goon, cheered on by his equally perverse fans, while he and his sycophants and wannabes act out their deepest depraved fantasies of domination over people they pretend to themselves are lesser and so deserve it.
My advice to someone today was: don't watch it.
It's a snuff film.
We will prevail, but we may as well accept the fact now, we're going to have to go through some stuff first.
So save your sanity. Don't let the sadness, anger, grief take over. Process it now so you'll be ready to stand up to this madness when it comes for us.