Okay, I know you're just dying to hear what I think, so, deep breath because I'm doing it all in one sentence with no commas:
SNC Lavalin didn't get its DPA because JT wanted it to get one and the last thing JWR was interested in doing was anything JT wanted because JWR is more anti-JT than a fake cowboy convoy and because she knew (like anybody with half a brain) that he's a phony pony prone to autocratic impulses so she kept entertaining his and his minions' interferences while recording them to play back later to Jane for shits and giggles.
P.S. Jesus. Where's William Barr to do a summary of Jody Wilson-Raybould's truth when you need him, eh?
Friday, March 29, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Edge of Twitter, The Tweeters of Our Lives
The problem with Twitter is, no matter the subject, it always ends up being the Tweeters.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Donald Trump, Fake President
If you check here for hope, here's a thread to cling to via Louise Mensch:
There's a Reason They Call Him Mueller
There's a Reason They Call Him Mueller
Monday, March 25, 2019
I'll Have What She's Having
So my go to gal on Trump/Russia, Louise Mensch (pro-life British/American Conservative military booster and #1 fan of Margaret Thatcher and George W. Bush - so fuck off with accusing me of confirmation bias if that's what you were about to do), says everybody who hasn't read Mueller's report - and that's everybody who's commented on it, especially that douchebro, Matt Taibbi - has also missed the brilliance of William Barr's letter summarizing his interpretation of Robert Mueller's report on Trump/Russia.
So here before you pull out any more hair is her reasoning as to why everybody has it so so so wrong:
William Barr's Letter Decoded By Louise Mensch
So here before you pull out any more hair is her reasoning as to why everybody has it so so so wrong:
William Barr's Letter Decoded By Louise Mensch
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Overheard on Twitter #WTFMueller?!
Panic Bot: "Oh no! Putin's going to get away with it!"
Jaded Bot: "Uh, newsflash. He got away with it two years ago."
Jaded Bot: "Uh, newsflash. He got away with it two years ago."
All Quiet on the Orange Traitor Front
Am I the only one wondering if a deal's been struck behind the scenes, and that William Barr's very brief sum up of Robert Mueller's report is the result of that deal?
I hope so. It would be best if the Orange Traitor went out with a whimper rather than a bang.
And there's nothing like a whimper to take the wind out of a supporter's sails.
Always remember, no wait, never forget the riots that didn't happen when a jury declared OJ Simpson NOT guilty.
I hope so. It would be best if the Orange Traitor went out with a whimper rather than a bang.
And there's nothing like a whimper to take the wind out of a supporter's sails.
Always remember, no wait, never forget the riots that didn't happen when a jury declared OJ Simpson NOT guilty.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
"Fake Feminist!"
This is where the brainless tribalism of partisan politics leads. A female member of a Canadian political party that is the choice of white male Christian nationalists, a party chock-a-block with men (and women!) who are only in politics to reverse Feminist legislation, is sent out by her Yellow Vest pandering leadership to yell "Fake Feminist!" at the only leader of a Canadian political party to do the following:
1. Tell prospective new candidates for an upcoming election that if they aren't pro-choice they should run for another party because the Liberal Party of Canada is pro-choice.
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and then the pointing at John McKay and then more wailing and gnashing of teeth over the unfairness of a Canadian political party leader just saying no to prospective new candidates who want to get into power so that they can force Canadian girls and women to bring unwanted pregnancies to term.
I voted NDP in a safe Liberal riding in 2015 but I'm done with that now.
Credit where credit is due.
Bring it.
2. Promise to legalize marijuana and then do it.
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and "The children! The children! Won't somebody please think of the children!"
And what about proportional representation! He promised!
Yeah. I don't care. It was stupid not to bring it in but flaws abound in politics and this post is about political partisans (and their paid lobbyists) weaponizing our words against us.
Legalizing marijuana might not strike some of you squares as a Feminist issue, but it is. It's a racial issue, too. In fact, marijuana was only ever illegal because of racism and sexism. And now it's legal, and in spite of the Regressive Conservative Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, a former illegal drug dealer (as opposed to medical school graduates who've been prescribing legal addictive opiates like candy for decades) Jezebels like me will soon be able to go to a store and buy it.
The illegal drug world is not just dominated almost entirely by men, it's dominated almost entirely by men steeped in a culture of toxic masculinity. And the illegal dealers are all men, men women aren't necessarily comfortable meeting up with to buy marijuana, and so we end up dependent on our male partners to do it for us.
And marijuana will prove to have virtually none of the negative side effects on women's health that alcohol does. Just you wait and see. Nor does marijuana have the toxicity of alcohol when it comes to male violence against women. And now that it's legal, maybe the proper studies can be done to prove what every woman who enjoys marijuana knows, which is that it is a safe sexual experience enhancer extraordinaire.
Oh don't get me started on the sexism of denying girls and women legal weed.
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.
3. Achieve gender parity in cabinet.
And not only did the male leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - which has never even had a female leader so whoa, eh? - achieve gender parity in his cabinet, but he did it with fewer women than men to work with - multiple times! - the latest in the middle of a leadership coup attempt by one of them!
Anyway, #FakeFeminist is probably trending now on Twitter, which I'm not on but follow, so I thought I'd just blog out a bit of reality, you know, stuff that actually happened that kind of puts the lie to it.
You're welcome.
1. Tell prospective new candidates for an upcoming election that if they aren't pro-choice they should run for another party because the Liberal Party of Canada is pro-choice.
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and then the pointing at John McKay and then more wailing and gnashing of teeth over the unfairness of a Canadian political party leader just saying no to prospective new candidates who want to get into power so that they can force Canadian girls and women to bring unwanted pregnancies to term.
I voted NDP in a safe Liberal riding in 2015 but I'm done with that now.
Credit where credit is due.
Bring it.
2. Promise to legalize marijuana and then do it.
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and "The children! The children! Won't somebody please think of the children!"
And what about proportional representation! He promised!
Yeah. I don't care. It was stupid not to bring it in but flaws abound in politics and this post is about political partisans (and their paid lobbyists) weaponizing our words against us.
Legalizing marijuana might not strike some of you squares as a Feminist issue, but it is. It's a racial issue, too. In fact, marijuana was only ever illegal because of racism and sexism. And now it's legal, and in spite of the Regressive Conservative Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, a former illegal drug dealer (as opposed to medical school graduates who've been prescribing legal addictive opiates like candy for decades) Jezebels like me will soon be able to go to a store and buy it.
The illegal drug world is not just dominated almost entirely by men, it's dominated almost entirely by men steeped in a culture of toxic masculinity. And the illegal dealers are all men, men women aren't necessarily comfortable meeting up with to buy marijuana, and so we end up dependent on our male partners to do it for us.
And marijuana will prove to have virtually none of the negative side effects on women's health that alcohol does. Just you wait and see. Nor does marijuana have the toxicity of alcohol when it comes to male violence against women. And now that it's legal, maybe the proper studies can be done to prove what every woman who enjoys marijuana knows, which is that it is a safe sexual experience enhancer extraordinaire.
Oh don't get me started on the sexism of denying girls and women legal weed.
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.
3. Achieve gender parity in cabinet.
And not only did the male leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - which has never even had a female leader so whoa, eh? - achieve gender parity in his cabinet, but he did it with fewer women than men to work with - multiple times! - the latest in the middle of a leadership coup attempt by one of them!
Anyway, #FakeFeminist is probably trending now on Twitter, which I'm not on but follow, so I thought I'd just blog out a bit of reality, you know, stuff that actually happened that kind of puts the lie to it.
You're welcome.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Dear Kids
Last night a couple of freaks from the internet picked me up in an uber and drove me to a mansion in Quebec where there was a birthday bash underway for one of the aforementioned freaks.
The hosts and guests seemed a little out of my league, cool-factor-wise, so when a slim vapor was passed to me I did something I almost never do in a group of strangers and took a timid little suck.
"No, no, no. You have to suck hard. Take another try."
I sucked hard.
"Wow. You're trusting. You didn't even ask what you were vaping."
I stared the strangers down while I held my breath in.
"It could be strong stuff."
I slowly exhaled.
Within seconds I was having an awesome back and forth with one of the strangers in the room about working in the government that, during the course of the back and forth, decided me on shelving the work I've done to date on my second book (which is not much) and writing instead about my many temp assignments in the government.
If it's half as hilarious as our conversation it will be a runaway bestseller.
Shortly after that I had an awesome one way with another stranger in the room re my former life as an internet superstar - as noted in my bio, I am the famous Sooey of Sooey Says - that morphed into an awesome back and forth about EVERYTHING.
Then, as if my life could get any cooler, one of the aforementioned freaks from the internet (and uber) started passing out pieces of birthday cake!
Oh, and while all this was happening, a couple sat down at the piano to play and sing jazzy tunes, the perfect backdrop to a party that already brought to my mind one of those scenes from a Woody Allen movie where you're just like, "Oh fuck off with your groovy New York social lives".
Anyway, I turned sixty about three weeks ago and I've been thinking a lot about when I first started having fun and why I would go on to be so conflicted about it.
And really, it was because I was a while to the party and once there I wanted it to go on forever.
But last night, the two freaks from the internet said, pretty much at the same time, "Time to go."
Which was when I realized, "Hey yeah, it's time to go."
And when they dropped me off, I went straight to bed where Bern McGern was already sleeping in the spot where My Blond Companion would normally be and resumed reading "Golden Age" by Jane Smiley. It's the third book in a trilogy and if you've never read her don't go to the library and start now because I don't want to be told a book of hers is out. Wait until I've read everything she's ever written. Don't worry. I'll let you know in this space when you can go to the library and take out a book by Jane Smiley.
Anyway, I always tell my kids, "Have fun!" And then I add, jokingly, "But not too much fun!"
Well the joke's on me because instead of "But not too much fun!" I should have been advising "Just make sure to get played out of the party by a jazzy duo!"
Cripes, I had to wait until I was sixty to find out how fun it is to leave a party in progress, jazzy duo and all, and get home in time to read Jane Smiley in bed.
The hosts and guests seemed a little out of my league, cool-factor-wise, so when a slim vapor was passed to me I did something I almost never do in a group of strangers and took a timid little suck.
"No, no, no. You have to suck hard. Take another try."
I sucked hard.
"Wow. You're trusting. You didn't even ask what you were vaping."
I stared the strangers down while I held my breath in.
"It could be strong stuff."
I slowly exhaled.
Within seconds I was having an awesome back and forth with one of the strangers in the room about working in the government that, during the course of the back and forth, decided me on shelving the work I've done to date on my second book (which is not much) and writing instead about my many temp assignments in the government.
If it's half as hilarious as our conversation it will be a runaway bestseller.
Shortly after that I had an awesome one way with another stranger in the room re my former life as an internet superstar - as noted in my bio, I am the famous Sooey of Sooey Says - that morphed into an awesome back and forth about EVERYTHING.
Then, as if my life could get any cooler, one of the aforementioned freaks from the internet (and uber) started passing out pieces of birthday cake!
Oh, and while all this was happening, a couple sat down at the piano to play and sing jazzy tunes, the perfect backdrop to a party that already brought to my mind one of those scenes from a Woody Allen movie where you're just like, "Oh fuck off with your groovy New York social lives".
Anyway, I turned sixty about three weeks ago and I've been thinking a lot about when I first started having fun and why I would go on to be so conflicted about it.
And really, it was because I was a while to the party and once there I wanted it to go on forever.
But last night, the two freaks from the internet said, pretty much at the same time, "Time to go."
Which was when I realized, "Hey yeah, it's time to go."
And when they dropped me off, I went straight to bed where Bern McGern was already sleeping in the spot where My Blond Companion would normally be and resumed reading "Golden Age" by Jane Smiley. It's the third book in a trilogy and if you've never read her don't go to the library and start now because I don't want to be told a book of hers is out. Wait until I've read everything she's ever written. Don't worry. I'll let you know in this space when you can go to the library and take out a book by Jane Smiley.
Anyway, I always tell my kids, "Have fun!" And then I add, jokingly, "But not too much fun!"
Well the joke's on me because instead of "But not too much fun!" I should have been advising "Just make sure to get played out of the party by a jazzy duo!"
Cripes, I had to wait until I was sixty to find out how fun it is to leave a party in progress, jazzy duo and all, and get home in time to read Jane Smiley in bed.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Andrew Scheer Sends Condolences - Take Two
Gee, if you didn't know Andrew Scheer's campaign manager is from Rebel Media, you sure do now, eh?
Imagine having to re-do a message of condolence to the victims of a terrorist attack because the first go 'round you too obviously didn't want to offend your many supporters of the terrorists.
Imagine having to re-do a message of condolence to the victims of a terrorist attack because the first go 'round you too obviously didn't want to offend your many supporters of the terrorists.
Congratulations! You've Got Bots!
Dear Twitterers: If you make a tweet expressing your concern re the murderous plague of white male nationalism afflicting our societies, and find yourself shortly thereafter defending Justin Trudeau from attack, you've got bots and/or trolls and must cease arguing immediately.
The Killer Is Inside the House
Conservative politics in Canada is lousy with white (Christian) nationalists, as is Conservative media. And young (male) adherents to white (Christian) nationalism are being incited online - 24/7 - to commit (gun) violence against women, Muslims, Jews, blacks, liberals, LGBTQs.
This has been our reality for quite some time now.
This has been our reality for quite some time now.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Our No Good Awful Horrible World
What if the real reason for grounding all Boeing 737 max 8 planes is because the powers that be have discovered the software is vulnerable - maybe even by design - to attacks by mafia states unfriendly to western liberal democracies clamping down on their spying activities here.
Because I don't know about you, but I'm finding the line that pilots just need a bit more training in how not to crash planes a tad disingenuous.
And as we should know by now, there's a tweet for everything by the racist trafficked-child-raping traitor in hock to Russian and Chinese mobsters currently occupying America's White House, and his tweet pointing to the problem as coming from inside the plane makes me think it must lie outside it.
But last night, Ottawa looked like something out of Peter Spiers "Christmas!" book, a winter wonderland, silent and still, with tufts of fresh fallen snow decorating all the tree branches, and I sat on the front step in my housecoat taking it all in. It was a welcome reprieve from the no good awful horribleness of our world. Earlier on the news young people were talking about a friend killed in the crash in Ethiopia, and she sounded so much like one of my own kids, that the emotional distance one normally has when the victims are strangers, dissolved.
Anyway, that's all for right now, other than that I think I've finally turned a corner re my vow to not argue politics on the internet anymore.
However one can make the world less no good awful horrible is the least one can do, I guess.
Because I don't know about you, but I'm finding the line that pilots just need a bit more training in how not to crash planes a tad disingenuous.
And as we should know by now, there's a tweet for everything by the racist trafficked-child-raping traitor in hock to Russian and Chinese mobsters currently occupying America's White House, and his tweet pointing to the problem as coming from inside the plane makes me think it must lie outside it.
But last night, Ottawa looked like something out of Peter Spiers "Christmas!" book, a winter wonderland, silent and still, with tufts of fresh fallen snow decorating all the tree branches, and I sat on the front step in my housecoat taking it all in. It was a welcome reprieve from the no good awful horribleness of our world. Earlier on the news young people were talking about a friend killed in the crash in Ethiopia, and she sounded so much like one of my own kids, that the emotional distance one normally has when the victims are strangers, dissolved.
Anyway, that's all for right now, other than that I think I've finally turned a corner re my vow to not argue politics on the internet anymore.
However one can make the world less no good awful horrible is the least one can do, I guess.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
More Popcorn, Please - Watching Democracy
Yesterday I read a hand-wringer on rabble.ca via Facebook re the lamentable lack of democracy in our federal government (Jody/SNC/Justin) - despite Justin Trudeau promising to be the Second Coming once seated as Prime Minister - that prompted the comment below from me in response:
Seems pretty democratic to me. Two cabinet ministers who tried to take down the prime minister by way of a leak to the press continue to sit comfortably in his caucus while he faces the press on the leak.But, you know, I don't have an interest in defeating the only liberal Feminist government we've ever had in this country, so I would point out democracy seeming to be quite alive and well under it, wouldn't I.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Pssst Ontario Kids
When the Conservatives tried to deny us classroom use of our phones back in the day we didn't just lie down and take it like a bunch of whiny slackers, we took it to the streets.
Burnt this whole provincial town down.
No way we were gonna take that fascist bullshit.
Juss sayin'.
Burnt this whole provincial town down.
No way we were gonna take that fascist bullshit.
Juss sayin'.
$$ for Degrees
Here's the thing, I went to the largest university in Canada and I didn't meet a single genius from the gutter there on scholarship.
Except maybe for one guy, an amateur boxer from up North my way who physically assaulted me at a residence party, went on to become a lawyer, either instigated or became embroiled in a shit ton of corruption, finally got charged with attempted murder of his girlfriend, may or may not have been convicted of it and actually done time in prison, and so on and so forth and more of the same etc etc.
He might have been on scholarship.
Everybody else was either of average intelligence from the plain old boring middle-class or slightly below average from Rosedale, the Annex, and Forest Hill.
Kidding. The rich kids were as average as we were, just more fucked up on drugs, I guess.
Dear parents: disposable income + teenage boy = drugs
Dear rich parents: more disposable income + teenage boy = more drugs
So kudos to rich parents who spend their money to buy their kids three or four years at Harvard to do drugs instead of just handing them the keys to the boardroom straight out of high school.
Also, rich people can buy whatever they want. So when it's not trafficked children to sexually assault, we should probably just thank them for their donation and give them an extra tax receipt.
Except maybe for one guy, an amateur boxer from up North my way who physically assaulted me at a residence party, went on to become a lawyer, either instigated or became embroiled in a shit ton of corruption, finally got charged with attempted murder of his girlfriend, may or may not have been convicted of it and actually done time in prison, and so on and so forth and more of the same etc etc.
He might have been on scholarship.
Everybody else was either of average intelligence from the plain old boring middle-class or slightly below average from Rosedale, the Annex, and Forest Hill.
Kidding. The rich kids were as average as we were, just more fucked up on drugs, I guess.
Dear parents: disposable income + teenage boy = drugs
Dear rich parents: more disposable income + teenage boy = more drugs
So kudos to rich parents who spend their money to buy their kids three or four years at Harvard to do drugs instead of just handing them the keys to the boardroom straight out of high school.
Also, rich people can buy whatever they want. So when it's not trafficked children to sexually assault, we should probably just thank them for their donation and give them an extra tax receipt.
Finally - Your Turn, Men
I came across this yesterday that I waited anxiously until today to post because I'm trying to space my entries out a bit.
See, I'm secretly working for Justin Trudeau to distract you from his detractors because they want Scheer Madness to win the next federal election and I don't. I mean, it won't be the worst thing in the world when we have Scheer Madness, as long as Mueller has reported before then and we have President Pelosi, and then whoever wins the Democratic Party nomination becomes POTUS. But it'll be a shit ton of stupid.
Think fake cowboy convoyers waving their nozzles around and Rebel Media carnival barkers waving their nozzles around and moldy damp basement dwelling incels waving their nozzles around.
Not to mention an infinity of unborn madly plotting their revenge against all us abortion lovers.
So be distracted, please, because I'm guessing that next up will be a barrage of innuendo that Justin Trudeau likes the ladies a little too much for a married man in politics.
Just a hunch. No inside info. And I certainly can't judge another super good looking person for, you know, showing off a bit.
Oh shut it. His potato-faced detractors are the worst hypocrites online right now.
Oops, I'm supposed to be distracting you! So here's this, and I have just one question, which is: Why the hell did it take so long for a woman to do this? C'mon ye sister big ol' beeyatches - step it up, dammit. This should be a concerted effort in every legislature in every country where women can't be imprisoned and tortured just for being women.
Anti-Choice Legislation for Men
See, I'm secretly working for Justin Trudeau to distract you from his detractors because they want Scheer Madness to win the next federal election and I don't. I mean, it won't be the worst thing in the world when we have Scheer Madness, as long as Mueller has reported before then and we have President Pelosi, and then whoever wins the Democratic Party nomination becomes POTUS. But it'll be a shit ton of stupid.
Think fake cowboy convoyers waving their nozzles around and Rebel Media carnival barkers waving their nozzles around and moldy damp basement dwelling incels waving their nozzles around.
Not to mention an infinity of unborn madly plotting their revenge against all us abortion lovers.
So be distracted, please, because I'm guessing that next up will be a barrage of innuendo that Justin Trudeau likes the ladies a little too much for a married man in politics.
Just a hunch. No inside info. And I certainly can't judge another super good looking person for, you know, showing off a bit.
Oh shut it. His potato-faced detractors are the worst hypocrites online right now.
Oops, I'm supposed to be distracting you! So here's this, and I have just one question, which is: Why the hell did it take so long for a woman to do this? C'mon ye sister big ol' beeyatches - step it up, dammit. This should be a concerted effort in every legislature in every country where women can't be imprisoned and tortured just for being women.
Anti-Choice Legislation for Men
"The 36-year-old Democrat went on to lay out her objectives as a bulleted list: Require men to obtain permission from their sexual partner before obtaining a prescription for Viagra. Ban vasectomies in Georgia, and criminalize the doctors who perform them. Classify sex without a condom as “aggravated assault.” Require paternity testing at 8 weeks of pregnancy, and require expectant fathers to begin paying child support immediately. Last but not least, Kendrick proposed a 24-hour waiting period on any men wishing to purchase any porn or sex toys in the state of Georgia."
Monday, March 11, 2019
Enough Said
So, watching political operatives make hay while the sun shines on the Jody vs Justin affair, I asked myself this question: Do I care whether or not Justin Trudeau is a REAL feminist?
And the answer is no, no I do not. Whatever the nature of his thoughts, he told prospective candidates to be pro-choice or run for another party, and he did it well before the last campaign even started, so good enough. No purity tests from me. He could secretly believe that women are a bunch of big ol' beeyatches, that politics should be left to the bros club. I don't care.
Oh, and I can say big ol' beeyatches because I worked at the mall selling ladieswear for two years.
Also, watching political operatives punch down from their pulpits on Twitter today I wonder if they secretly work for the side they're pretending to be against, and that's why they're so repellent?
Anyway, big ol' beeyatches, don't take any wooden nickels and don't ever let a political operative call your Feminist credentials into question just because you're not buying what he's selling today.
He'll be selling another line tomorrow.
In the meantime, you call yourself a Feminist, you're Feminist enough for me.
And the answer is no, no I do not. Whatever the nature of his thoughts, he told prospective candidates to be pro-choice or run for another party, and he did it well before the last campaign even started, so good enough. No purity tests from me. He could secretly believe that women are a bunch of big ol' beeyatches, that politics should be left to the bros club. I don't care.
Oh, and I can say big ol' beeyatches because I worked at the mall selling ladieswear for two years.
Also, watching political operatives punch down from their pulpits on Twitter today I wonder if they secretly work for the side they're pretending to be against, and that's why they're so repellent?
Anyway, big ol' beeyatches, don't take any wooden nickels and don't ever let a political operative call your Feminist credentials into question just because you're not buying what he's selling today.
He'll be selling another line tomorrow.
In the meantime, you call yourself a Feminist, you're Feminist enough for me.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Take My Husband - Please
A while back I read an article about a study on female sexuality that posed a giant question mark to all previous studies on female sexuality because it indicated quite clearly to the researchers involved that women are not, in fact, naturally monogamous, but rather, the opposite.
According to this study, little girls are actually born to grow up and play the field, but thanks to the nofunnick patriarchy that has long ruled over our lives - and I mean your lives, too, men, so don't blame us for this shit pile of a world - all our studies on female sexuality prior to this one start from the (erroneous) premise that women are naturally monogamous and go from there.
It rocked my world, of course, because I've been a fallen woman a thousand times over, and paid a financial price for it, let me tell you here on the internet where I'd ask that it go no further, please.
So here's an article about a handful of matriarchal societies that still exist in our terrible world - because our world is terrible and all the big mammals will be gone soon and there will just be Twitter and we'll all want to die for lack of decorum - to give you a little Saturday cheer and maybe your sex life a little truth bomb boost.
Also, revel in the knowledge that the divorce rate is no one's fault, because how we're living is so ass-backwards from how we were meant to live, or would live if we weren't buried under a shit ton of patriarchal cuntishness, that it's a wonder we can even get out of bed in the morning.
None of which is to say that I'm not happy with My Blond Companion and don't plan to keep him but I'm sixty now and he's a dozen years younger so you do the math.
Kidding - don't.
And They All Lived Happily Ever After
According to this study, little girls are actually born to grow up and play the field, but thanks to the nofunnick patriarchy that has long ruled over our lives - and I mean your lives, too, men, so don't blame us for this shit pile of a world - all our studies on female sexuality prior to this one start from the (erroneous) premise that women are naturally monogamous and go from there.
It rocked my world, of course, because I've been a fallen woman a thousand times over, and paid a financial price for it, let me tell you here on the internet where I'd ask that it go no further, please.
So here's an article about a handful of matriarchal societies that still exist in our terrible world - because our world is terrible and all the big mammals will be gone soon and there will just be Twitter and we'll all want to die for lack of decorum - to give you a little Saturday cheer and maybe your sex life a little truth bomb boost.
Also, revel in the knowledge that the divorce rate is no one's fault, because how we're living is so ass-backwards from how we were meant to live, or would live if we weren't buried under a shit ton of patriarchal cuntishness, that it's a wonder we can even get out of bed in the morning.
None of which is to say that I'm not happy with My Blond Companion and don't plan to keep him but I'm sixty now and he's a dozen years younger so you do the math.
Kidding - don't.
And They All Lived Happily Ever After
Friday, March 8, 2019
On This Int'l XX Day I Do Solemnly Swear
It's such a beautiful day here in Ottawa, and yet I'm wound up like a jack-in-the-box because I've been arguing about politics on the internet.
And not even with people who hold terrible no good disgusting opinions, but with people whose opinions vary only marginally from my own.
So I made a resolution on the dog walk, a resolution witnessed by both Bernie and My Blond Companion, that I will no longer argue about politics on the internet.
I finally realized what the people on Pinterest have always known, that when we argue politics on the internet, we become just one more of a billion braying know nothings arguing politics on the internet. And if I don't like being called a lesser Feminist than a man when I don't agree with him about how Jody Wilson-Raybould reacted to the Bros Club bugging the shit out of her to change her mind on prosecuting that stinking pile of garbage, SNC Lavalin - (her reaction being the attempted take down of the only liberal Feminist government we've ever had) - then I shouldn't engage with him in the first place.
It's not like it's the first time. It's every time. And we're friends. I'm going to his place for dinner tomorrow, ffs.
So yes, I'll take the rocks out of the salad after I'm done this entry.
A different man, yet still an older white male, one I'd never encountered before on Facebook, called me racist the other day. A woman called me sexist. She charged in under the #MeToo banner because "they didn't take no from a woman as an answer". When I pointed out that equating this situation to sexual assault was a bridge too far in my opinion, a man I don't know but agree with pretty regularly, posted an angry face emoticon on my comment.
So I snoozed him for 30 days.
Growing up, my mother was very confrontational when it came to politics. A fierce Liberal who supported Sheila Copps for the leadership. But she was never on the internet. And even if she had been she'd just forget about it when she shut down her computer.
It was fun for her. It's fight or flight for me.
I live with a ball of anxiety burning away in various parts of my body 24/7. Going outside is a challenge, a challenge I meet over and over and over because, in that way, I am my mother's daughter. And this, just blogging, putting myself out there for reading, is pushing the envelope enough. I know, I know, I don't have to do it. Except I do. It's a blogger thing.
So there you have it. I've made my vow public, which is how I like to make my vows, and as Gord is my witness, I shall never argue politics on the internet again.
Oh, one more thing. People of all politics need to stop telling other people who identify as Feminists that they aren't. It's hard enough getting people who are Feminists to identify as such publicly, the last thing we need are purity tests from self-appointed deciders as to who is and who isn't a Feminist.
Feminism has changed our part of the world to the benefit of us all. We need to do everything we can to spread it to the benefit of people everywhere else.
And not even with people who hold terrible no good disgusting opinions, but with people whose opinions vary only marginally from my own.
So I made a resolution on the dog walk, a resolution witnessed by both Bernie and My Blond Companion, that I will no longer argue about politics on the internet.
I finally realized what the people on Pinterest have always known, that when we argue politics on the internet, we become just one more of a billion braying know nothings arguing politics on the internet. And if I don't like being called a lesser Feminist than a man when I don't agree with him about how Jody Wilson-Raybould reacted to the Bros Club bugging the shit out of her to change her mind on prosecuting that stinking pile of garbage, SNC Lavalin - (her reaction being the attempted take down of the only liberal Feminist government we've ever had) - then I shouldn't engage with him in the first place.
It's not like it's the first time. It's every time. And we're friends. I'm going to his place for dinner tomorrow, ffs.
So yes, I'll take the rocks out of the salad after I'm done this entry.
A different man, yet still an older white male, one I'd never encountered before on Facebook, called me racist the other day. A woman called me sexist. She charged in under the #MeToo banner because "they didn't take no from a woman as an answer". When I pointed out that equating this situation to sexual assault was a bridge too far in my opinion, a man I don't know but agree with pretty regularly, posted an angry face emoticon on my comment.
So I snoozed him for 30 days.
Growing up, my mother was very confrontational when it came to politics. A fierce Liberal who supported Sheila Copps for the leadership. But she was never on the internet. And even if she had been she'd just forget about it when she shut down her computer.
It was fun for her. It's fight or flight for me.
I live with a ball of anxiety burning away in various parts of my body 24/7. Going outside is a challenge, a challenge I meet over and over and over because, in that way, I am my mother's daughter. And this, just blogging, putting myself out there for reading, is pushing the envelope enough. I know, I know, I don't have to do it. Except I do. It's a blogger thing.
So there you have it. I've made my vow public, which is how I like to make my vows, and as Gord is my witness, I shall never argue politics on the internet again.
Oh, one more thing. People of all politics need to stop telling other people who identify as Feminists that they aren't. It's hard enough getting people who are Feminists to identify as such publicly, the last thing we need are purity tests from self-appointed deciders as to who is and who isn't a Feminist.
Feminism has changed our part of the world to the benefit of us all. We need to do everything we can to spread it to the benefit of people everywhere else.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Um... I Think @MPCeline Means You @JustinTrudeau
Twitter is such a great equalizer. Everybody on it has her own reality show. Pundit lobbyists, schoolgirls, members of parliament...
Speaking of which, here's @MPCeline on Twitter today:
Speaking of which, here's @MPCeline on Twitter today:
“I believe real leadership is about listening, learning & compassion...central to my leadership is fostering an environment where my Ministers, caucus & staff feel comfortable coming to me when they have concerns” I did come to you recently. Twice. Remember your reactions?Okay, I wasn't there, @MPCeline, but we're not at justice committee, either, so I'm going to take a guess:
Or like asking Gandhi to run the army
I read today on CBC's website that asking Jody Wilson-Raybould to be Minister of Indigenous Services is like asking Nelson Mandela to administer apartheid.
So at least no one has made any comparisons to the Holocaust - yet.
But since this whole government of Canada thing is a racist colonial construct, how is asking Jody Wilson-Raybould to be the Minister of Justice any better, really. I mean, at least with Indigenous Services she could maybe, I don't know, make it over in her own image?
With Justice, well, looks to me like she had a hard time not just keeping it pretty much how Harper's Gang left it.
Ba da boom.
So at least no one has made any comparisons to the Holocaust - yet.
But since this whole government of Canada thing is a racist colonial construct, how is asking Jody Wilson-Raybould to be the Minister of Justice any better, really. I mean, at least with Indigenous Services she could maybe, I don't know, make it over in her own image?
With Justice, well, looks to me like she had a hard time not just keeping it pretty much how Harper's Gang left it.
Ba da boom.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
And... He Said
Well, well, well.
I realized something after listening to the entirety of Gerald Butts' testimony at the Justice Committee today, including questions and answers after it.
I feel a lot calmer than I did before it.
A lot calmer.
Make of that what you will but I know what I make of it.
I realized something after listening to the entirety of Gerald Butts' testimony at the Justice Committee today, including questions and answers after it.
I feel a lot calmer than I did before it.
A lot calmer.
Make of that what you will but I know what I make of it.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
3, 2, 1... And It's Sheila Copps - Live from YouTube
is great. The grand old dame of stunt politicking, Sheila Copps, being
interviewed by the more-aggressive-than-I've-ever-seen-him-before,
Andrew Nichols, about Jody Wilson-Raybould, the grand new dame of stunt
As someone said to me today, "I don't give a shit about any of this. I'm voting Liberal until I die."
So get it together or go down swingin', ya liberal Feminist bastards!
As someone said to me today, "I don't give a shit about any of this. I'm voting Liberal until I die."
So get it together or go down swingin', ya liberal Feminist bastards!
Hey, Back in My Day, Caucus Would've Had Her for Lunch - with Extra Gravy
Sunny Ways, Take Two
Just a thought: Maybe having the only liberal Feminist government in our country's history (no - stfu partisan men on the Left and the Right - liberal Feminist talking here) is really what led to a couple of liberal Feminists tossing aside the patriarchal politics playbook and confronting bro business-as-usual behaviour by the leadership of their own party.
Pundits keep punditting on how unprecedented this is, Jody and now Jane telling Justin to "take this job and shove it", but maybe it's only unprecedented because we've never had a liberal Feminist government before.
Pundits keep punditting on how unprecedented this is, Jody and now Jane telling Justin to "take this job and shove it", but maybe it's only unprecedented because we've never had a liberal Feminist government before.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Also Deja Vu
It strikes me as I un-pretzel myself from playing defence online that Justin Trudeau has put liberal Feminists like me in the same position Bill Clinton put liberal Feminists like Gloria Steinem all those years ago, and now we get to watch men on the Left and men on the Right - who hate Justin Trudeau with the passion of a thousand jealous suns and don't really give a rat's ass about our reproductive rights - pump their tiny fists in the air while they claim superior Feminism over us.
Jody, Jane, you had better make this shit worth it.
Jody, Jane, you had better make this shit worth it.
Everything Old Is New Again
So I was having a shower when the feeling came over me that I've seen this Jody Wilson-Raybould vs Justin Trudeau play before.
Doris Anderson vs Lloyd Axworthy back in 1981.
I even remember taking on my Liberal mother over it who said, "You don't bite the hand that feeds you."
To which I said, "Feminism before party politics."
I think it's fair to say we were both wrong.
I spoke to Doris Anderson once. She called the NDP Research Office at Queen's Park where I was working at the time. I'd just read a book she'd written and gushed, "I read your book!" To which she demanded, "Did you like it?" So of course I said, "Like it? I loved it!"
I was just glad she didn't ask how I knew it was her when she hadn't said her name yet.
A voice that could cut glass.
I invite you to read this obituary of Doris Anderson by Sandra Martin.
Women in the News
Doris Anderson vs Lloyd Axworthy back in 1981.
I even remember taking on my Liberal mother over it who said, "You don't bite the hand that feeds you."
To which I said, "Feminism before party politics."
I think it's fair to say we were both wrong.
I spoke to Doris Anderson once. She called the NDP Research Office at Queen's Park where I was working at the time. I'd just read a book she'd written and gushed, "I read your book!" To which she demanded, "Did you like it?" So of course I said, "Like it? I loved it!"
I was just glad she didn't ask how I knew it was her when she hadn't said her name yet.
A voice that could cut glass.
I invite you to read this obituary of Doris Anderson by Sandra Martin.
Women in the News
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Automate This!
I don't know about you, but as far as I'm concerned, technology has become tyrannical and I've had it up to here with it.

Kathryn Rescues Canadians from Scheer Madness
Okay. I figured a way out of this JWR vs JT jam for the Liberal Party of Canada that has the double plus good bonus of making the Conservative Party of Canada look like a bunch of tools.
Hold an emergency leadership convention and elect Jody Wilson-Raybould leader. Then put Justin Trudeau on Indigenous Affairs and Women's Issues (or whatever we're calling those files these days) as an appropriate punishment for acting like a total bro as soon as he got into power.
Christ, not ready? Oh, he was ready, alright, you numbskull Cons.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Basket of Deplorables North
BC's Conservative Party must be annoyed by how awful BC's Liberal Party is, eh? I mean, where are they supposed to position themselves on the political awfulness scale with the BC Liberal Party taking up so much of it?
Louise Mensch
Not long after the Russian mob elected the Treason Party's nominee, Donald Trump, as POTUS, I was directed by a family member to Louise Mensch on Twitter. And ever since then she's been helping me not lose my shit completely at the incredible awfulness of it all.
She's also helped me be more open-minded about why people are Conservative (not Reform, like up here, not Tea Party, like down there - Conservative) because she inspires so much respect herself. Reading her, and her politics are very different from mine - or are they? - I don't feel the urge to jump in and assert my politics on top.
For instance, she's personally against abortion. I'm all for it. 100%. Literally pro abortion.
Not sure?
It's a pretty big difference of political opinion that is. And thanks to Louise Mensch, I've learned to consider the politics of others instead of reflexively reacting to them, which is quite something for me, my middle name being "KneejerkPartisanReaction".
Except for brocialists maybe. I really have a hard time with those know-it-all purist bullies. I wish they would get a clue re what a colossal turn-off they are to voting NDP, how they make socialism seem about as inviting a prospect as a holiday in Venezuela.
Anyway, Louise thinks we should all delete our Facebook accounts because of the treason, and she's right, of course, we should. I'm not as upstanding as Louise, though, and think I should delete mine because my attention is almost always diverted to it now, the compulsion to check it gets worse every day, and as much as I'd like to be a better person on it, I'm just not going to be. Meanwhile, I'm still "read only" on Twitter because all I care about right now is the Mueller investigation and I have nothing to add to that discussion that isn't just opinion, opinion being a polite word for noise, noise being a polite word for attention whoring.
So if I disappear from Facebook one day I hope you'll seek me out here because I do have a book I want to get published and I hope you'll buy a copy of it if/when it is.
Er, even you brocialists. Seriously, you'll love my book, brocialists. It's a take down of retail ladieswear sales like you're never read before.
She's also helped me be more open-minded about why people are Conservative (not Reform, like up here, not Tea Party, like down there - Conservative) because she inspires so much respect herself. Reading her, and her politics are very different from mine - or are they? - I don't feel the urge to jump in and assert my politics on top.
For instance, she's personally against abortion. I'm all for it. 100%. Literally pro abortion.
Not sure?
It's a pretty big difference of political opinion that is. And thanks to Louise Mensch, I've learned to consider the politics of others instead of reflexively reacting to them, which is quite something for me, my middle name being "KneejerkPartisanReaction".
Except for brocialists maybe. I really have a hard time with those know-it-all purist bullies. I wish they would get a clue re what a colossal turn-off they are to voting NDP, how they make socialism seem about as inviting a prospect as a holiday in Venezuela.
Anyway, Louise thinks we should all delete our Facebook accounts because of the treason, and she's right, of course, we should. I'm not as upstanding as Louise, though, and think I should delete mine because my attention is almost always diverted to it now, the compulsion to check it gets worse every day, and as much as I'd like to be a better person on it, I'm just not going to be. Meanwhile, I'm still "read only" on Twitter because all I care about right now is the Mueller investigation and I have nothing to add to that discussion that isn't just opinion, opinion being a polite word for noise, noise being a polite word for attention whoring.
So if I disappear from Facebook one day I hope you'll seek me out here because I do have a book I want to get published and I hope you'll buy a copy of it if/when it is.
Er, even you brocialists. Seriously, you'll love my book, brocialists. It's a take down of retail ladieswear sales like you're never read before.
Jagmeet? Are you there, Jagmeet? It's me, Kathryn
You know what I find so annoying about this SNC Lavalin shit hitting the fan? It's that it's this SNC Lavalin shit hitting the fan and not anything that actually matters, like assisted dying legislation so unhelpful that the Liberal MP who drafted the bill couldn't even bring himself to vote for it, cannabis legislation so crazed with penalties, so punishment focused, that it brings to mind Reefer Madness, justice reform that's just more Conservative wild wet dreaming come true with no reversal on Harper government Republican imports like mandatory minimums, consecutive sentences, plus now no preliminary hearings, too.
Where was the Prime Minister and his staff to press the Justice Minister on all the above, eh? Those things matter more than this SNC Lavalin shit. If ever there was a time to demote Jody Wilson-Raybould (we've all stopped pretending Veterans Affairs isn't a demotion - right?) it was after "justice reforms" that weren't. The above are the things are I voted for (when I voted NDP because I live in a safe Liberal riding).
Imagine if instead of badgering her in her capacity as Attorney General on SNC Lavalin (aka Corruption R Us) the Prime Minister and his staff had worked with her as Justice Minister to make the humane bill on assisted dying drafted by MP Rob Oliphant the law of the land, worked with her so that cannabis legalization emphasized redress and rights, worked with her to eliminate the inhumanity of mandatory minimums and consecutive sentencing, worked with her to ensure preliminary hearings were ENCOURAGED as opposed to abolished.
How about enshrining in law protection for female citizens from state interference in reproductive choice so that we don't have to live with the ongoing threat of our male dominated legislatures taking it away?
I don't know about you, but I expected so much more from this government, a lot more humanity, and it let me down. This SNC Lavalin shit hitting the fan? Well it wouldn't happen under a Conservative government, that's for sure, because Conservatives are all on the same page when it comes to corporate over public rights. And now, given their determination to see us all go out in a blaze of glory (because climate change is real and it's man-made and not doing anything to mitigate its effects is wrong and bad and stupid) they represent an existential threat to anyone who cares about life on earth.
Finally, where was ANYBODY to tell the Prime Minister and his staff that the only move stupider than demoting Jody Wilson-Raybould (did they not know her at all?) for standing her ground on this SNC Lavalin shit, was the about face on electoral reform two minutes after winning a majority government. And that was some stupid that was.
Oh my word I'm tired of politicians.
Where was the Prime Minister and his staff to press the Justice Minister on all the above, eh? Those things matter more than this SNC Lavalin shit. If ever there was a time to demote Jody Wilson-Raybould (we've all stopped pretending Veterans Affairs isn't a demotion - right?) it was after "justice reforms" that weren't. The above are the things are I voted for (when I voted NDP because I live in a safe Liberal riding).
Imagine if instead of badgering her in her capacity as Attorney General on SNC Lavalin (aka Corruption R Us) the Prime Minister and his staff had worked with her as Justice Minister to make the humane bill on assisted dying drafted by MP Rob Oliphant the law of the land, worked with her so that cannabis legalization emphasized redress and rights, worked with her to eliminate the inhumanity of mandatory minimums and consecutive sentencing, worked with her to ensure preliminary hearings were ENCOURAGED as opposed to abolished.
How about enshrining in law protection for female citizens from state interference in reproductive choice so that we don't have to live with the ongoing threat of our male dominated legislatures taking it away?
I don't know about you, but I expected so much more from this government, a lot more humanity, and it let me down. This SNC Lavalin shit hitting the fan? Well it wouldn't happen under a Conservative government, that's for sure, because Conservatives are all on the same page when it comes to corporate over public rights. And now, given their determination to see us all go out in a blaze of glory (because climate change is real and it's man-made and not doing anything to mitigate its effects is wrong and bad and stupid) they represent an existential threat to anyone who cares about life on earth.
Finally, where was ANYBODY to tell the Prime Minister and his staff that the only move stupider than demoting Jody Wilson-Raybould (did they not know her at all?) for standing her ground on this SNC Lavalin shit, was the about face on electoral reform two minutes after winning a majority government. And that was some stupid that was.
Oh my word I'm tired of politicians.
Friday, March 1, 2019
It will be funny if it turns out we've got the whole "women made men boring" thing backwards and it was actually men who stopped us all from still being swingin' singles down at the watering hole, eating fruit with our feet, and doing sweet fuck all from 9-5 and more of the same from 5-9.
Although I guess it's more likely the other way around, for all the good it does us now.
Bonus Entry: Things I Never Said To My Mother But Did Say To My Blond Companion
"I'll thank you to never buy this 'on special' bread again."
Although I guess it's more likely the other way around, for all the good it does us now.
Bonus Entry: Things I Never Said To My Mother But Did Say To My Blond Companion
"I'll thank you to never buy this 'on special' bread again."
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