Friday, January 24, 2025

Hats Off

Not to interrupt but, the Orange Goon isn't offering to buy Canada, he's threatening to take us over.

But also: Canada is not for sale? Really? Since when?

Cripes, Doug Ford just sold off Ontario Place, ffs. Now he's calling an election before the investigation into his sell off of our Greenbelt to his mobster owners we call "developers" is completed.

And no offence to Manitoba, but Ontario is pretty much Canada central, not that Doug Ford seems to know Ottawa is in Ontario... so... maybe he doesn't know Ontario is in Canada?

Peak irony seeing that "Ontario Is Open For Business" MoFo sporting a "Canada Is Not for Sale" hat.

Stephen Harper literally sold the silverware when he was Prime Minister, never mind his sell off of our tarsands to China, and by our, I mean, Canada's.

I don't say Alberta's tarsands or Alberta's anything anymore. Doug Ford may be mobbed up to his gills but he's not a traitor.

Danielle Smith is a traitor.

Scott Moe is a traitor.

The Orange Goon is bullying us, we're being bullied, but I feel it less than I did when the Freedom Convoy insurrectionists, organized by Alberta's Neo-Nazis and supported by the Conservative Party of Canada, bullied us here in Ottawa.

I'm not taking it on this time. It's not my problem to fix. I had a good run of public services, access to public space, but too many of my co-citizens don't value either, they'd rather pay more for less.

Go figure.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure why we're pretending the US bullying us is a new thing, and Canada, with all our resources and the population of California, being a 51st state hasn't long been a possibility in the minds of more than a few Canadians, most notably the American wannabes of Alberta.

Lots of American flags alongside the odd Confederate one, a Swastika or two, during the Freedom Convoy's three week white power rally that cost our local economy some $50 million, the larger blockade of our international borders a couple of billion.

Conservative politicians go on and on about loving Americans, the US, because they do. They never say anything about loving Canadians, Canada, because they don't.

You can't possibly have witnessed Stephen Harper's time as Prime Minister and not noticed his extreme self-loathing that extended to the rest of us.

America strong.

Canada weak.

Trudeau Sr. was the last Prime Minister to put his paw on the head of Alberta, just as he did with Quebec, and the last Prime Minister to acknowledge the US as too close for comfort, with its veering from isolation to involvement, and so his christening us "Citizens of the World" instead.

All this to say it's too bad he's not here to tell the Orange Goon to fuddle duddle, but he's not. Instead, while the Orange Goon threatens to take us over, and we pretend push hasn't come to shove, a wily entrepreneur - who will no doubt turn out to be a Doug Ford supporter - makes his fortune selling hats.