Friday, February 14, 2025


The longer the fascist coup in the US is allowed to go on, the more the Musk Rats will have to lose, and the worse it will get for anybody and everybody trying to stop them from destroying the US government while they transfer the public purse over to their private wallets.


It's on a roll.

I don't understand it. I know perfectly decent people who have invested in it, people who can afford a few grand to lose, even true believers who view it as the way to a more democratic world, as opposed to the fascist nightmare it appears to be facilitating in the US as I type this.

Good for you. You're rich in Bitcoin. Too bad about your friends and family sent to work the tarsands for our Musk Rat overlords.

Enjoy fascism. Don't worry about us. Worry about the guerilla warfare we'll be perpetrating now we've nothing left to lose.

The US will invade Canada if Americans don't/won't/can't stop the fascist coup taking place, a fascist coup facilitated by Stephen Harper, whose name desecrates the Canadian flag our five former and current prime ministers signed in celebration of its 60th anniversary.

The Musk Rats will take what they want and burn down the rest because we are nothing to the billionaire fascists Stephen Harper helped bring to power.

They're not even real to themselves. They can't begin to imagine we exist.

The other day a childhood friend phoned me in a panic. He'd borrowed several thousand dollars and sent it to a virtual stranger who'd promised him over the phone he'd transfer it to his crypto account. But then the virtual stranger stopped calling. So my friend, who had no way of contacting him, called me, thinking I might know someone who could help him get his money back.

I don't, of course, and even if I did, and I guess I do know a couple of people who maybe could, or at least understand what to most of us is an incomprehensible process, but - no. I've been through this before, the panicked phone call, the inarticulate explanation as to what's happened, the doubling down on the pyramid scheme.

I wonder how many lives have been lost to Bitcoin.

I despise Pierre Poilievre. Instead of working in the public interest, ever, he's spent his mandate recruiting young men to Stephen Harper's big Conservative Party tent of traitors, young men heavily invested in Bitcoin, young men who've been propagandized to believe democracy benefits everyone else at their expense, young men who desperately want the Musk Rats to defeat Western liberal democracy, so us, because they actually believe they'll be Masters of the Universe in a New World Order when they do, as opposed to (and here I paraphrase a good ol' Brent Butt joke) so many hood ornaments on the luxury car collections of their groomers.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Driving Miss Crazy

It's crazy-making, the deliberate chaos being caused by the Orange Goon, the billionaire Peter Pans, their Lost Boys, running amok in the US government.

They're our new overlords, not that we factor into their virtual world order. We're not even collateral damage. Collateral damage at least assumes some worth to society. We're completely irrelevant, left behind in the real world, the one where people die without ever having grasped the Holy Grail of Crypto.

They, on the other hand, are going to live forever. On Mars. Their God, Elon Musk, will make it so.

We should never have allowed our politicians to call us anything other than citizens. It was a mistake, allowing the slip into "consumers" and "taxpayers" and "hard working families". It made it seem like democracy was really just all about money, the more money, the more democracy we're entitled to claim for ourselves.

But how to compete with billionaires?

The Lost Boys, and there are millions of them, and who knows how many of them Bitcoin Billionaires themselves, have pledged their allegiance to Elon Musk. He's their God, the only one they need. Fuck Jesus. We see a Neo-Nazi, mad with power, out to destroy Western liberal democracy, they see who they want to be.


For years now young and not so young men have cloaked themselves in victimhood, angry at the world, arrested development at the teenage know-it-all stage, willingly propagandized by online groomers to believe that, if not for the rest of us getting in their way, they would be the Masters of the Universe their sex at birth decreed they should be.

Trans kids terrify the groomers, hence their targeting of this teeny tiny minority of the population, the cruelty always the point with fascism.

But trans kids put the lie to fascism, don't they, and the truth to democracy, which is all about the freedom to be who we are, not who we're told to be.

Funny how it's playing out though, eh? Individual lifetimes devoted to achieving financial security for ourselves and a bunch of fascist little shits who've only ever known wealth and privilege come along and pull the rug out from under us like we're not even standing on it.

Anyway, when we get through this, with our savings most likely gone, I say we learn a lesson and take all that power we've given up to money and put it into democracy instead.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Fault Lines

One more time. Then I'll pretend we're all in against Fascism again.🙂

So, just, you know, for the record, Liberal Feminists have been trying to defend our societies against a Conservatism that's moved increasingly Right everywhere in the world for decades now, and certainly in Canada after Mulroney stood up against Apartheid in South Africa and the racist woman-haters abandoned his Progressive Conservatives to create the Reform Party of Preston Manning, a Neo-Nazi.

I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but it's no accident virulent racist and woman-hater, the South African Elon Musk, is now running amok in the US government. Fascists from across the globe, including Stephen Harper, who simply changed the name of Reform to Conservative and voila! he was elected Prime Minister of Canada, helped get him there.

So many of us were accused of having Harper Derangement Syndrome back in the day, as if Marci McDonald hadn't written "The Armageddon Factor" detailing Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party's Christo-Fascism for all of Canada to read. It was maddening. Especially when his first order of business, after cheating his way to a majority government in 2011, courtesy robo-call operative, Pierre Poilievre, was to destroy our gun registry for his American NRA sponsors.

It was the same Fascism so many other men, American men, denied in 2015/2016, when they chose to spend the fight for liberal democracy blaming Liberal Feminists for standing in the way of our collective Socialist utopia on account of the Democratic Party establishment nominating Hillary Clinton over Independent Bernie Sanders for President.

And just prior to the rise of the Orange Goon, whose sponsorship by Christo-Fascist dictator, Vladimir Putin, couldn't possibly have been made more obvious, Canadian women were mocked for supporting Justin Trudeau, as if our support was because of his hair.

Well no. It was because he proclaimed the Liberal Party a pro-choice, Feminist party, taking away the knife men have been holding over our heads since abortion was de-criminalized, to say we're not debating this anymore, abortion is a women's health issue, and peppering his campaign with the dreaded "F" word, Feminist, like it was 2015 and not 1950.

Because it WAS 2015! And bringing a gender balance to Cabinet WAS a big deal. So was legalizing cannabis, actually a Feminist issue, because now women who wanted it could just buy it legally from a store, not need a boyfriend do it for us from some guy in a van down by the bridge.

And to pretend that didn't make him a target of every Fascist from our own Conservative Party to the US Republican Party to Russia's Christo-Fascist Mob in the Kremlin is just typical denialism of misogyny and gaslighting of women by men who will never admit THEY are the ones standing in the way of our collective Socialist utopia.

Fact: There was zero benefit to Canadians for Jagmeet Singh, who had all the power New Democrats claim to want working with Justin Trudeau, to "rip up" the NDP agreement to support the Liberal government, the most responsive and accessible government we've ever had. Zero benefit. But he did it anyway. Why? And his demand that Justin Trudeau resign - the same demand being made by Pierre Poilievre and every Christo-Fascist from here to there ever since he was elected Prime Minister - has been met. He resigned. And so we have our government dealing with a Fascist coup in the US while the Liberal Party holds a fucking leadership race, our own Fascists pretending the government of Canada is leaderless when it's actually, demonstrably, been standing up for Canadians from coast to coast to coast like no Canadian government has ever had to do, and against the US, a military and economic powerhouse currently experiencing a Fascist coup.

Meanwhile, in the US, Democrats are being excoriated for not doing enough to stop Fascism when it was Democratic Party voters who failed to do the bare minimum to stand up for liberal democracy and just fucking vote ffs.

The fact is, a lot of people decided they'd rather risk Fascism than support the most progressive and inclusive and just generally all around cool and happening person ever to be in the running for President of the United States, a female GenX Liberal Feminist. It was a five alarm fire the entire campaign and they pretended it wasn't happening because, deep down, they wanted blood in the streets, not a Socialist utopia, just like the Fascists do, tear it all down, burn it all up, anything but those no fun Liberal Feminists in power with their identity politics and drag queens and support for trans kids to live as they are.

And now we have a re-elected Orange Goon claiming us as a 51st state, Greenland as his, the Panama Canal as his, and Gaza as his, while a high-as-a-kite billionaire crackpot and his teenage droogs run amok destroying the US government from within, and Stephen Harper's disciple, Pierre Poilievre - who publicly stood with the Freedom Convoy Neo-Nazis WHILE THEY ATTACKED US AND WAVED THEIR F*CK TRUDEAU MERCH - is STILL poised to win a majority government.

So tell me again, guys and dolls, how Liberal Feminists are in the way of our Socialist utopia.🙂

Monday, February 3, 2025

Ok, Haters, You Win

And so here we are, the Orange Goon trying to cause a North America-wide Depression, while his top donor, Elon Musk, commands his teenage droogs in a raid on the US Treasury.

Hello? Law enforcement? Anybody home? 

Anyway, I don't think it's a leap to wonder if the purpose of this coup is to wipe out the middle-class so we're as desperate and afraid as undocumented migrants must be feeling right now.

Way to own the Libs, Haters.

Just think, too, our very own Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada, living large on his big fat publicly funded pension, helped make it all happen.

No doubt he sold off Laureen's portfolio first.😀 (See 2008 for details.)

Remember when we were accused of being deranged for warning about that arrogant prick traitor?

Anyway, any excuse to repost the synopsis of Marci McDonald's "The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada".

In her new book, award-winning journalist Marci McDonald draws back the curtain on the mysterious world of the right-wing Christian nationalist movement in Canada and its many ties to the Conservative government of Stephen Harper.
To most Canadians, the politics of the United States — where fundamentalist Christians wield tremendous power and culture wars split the country — seem too foreign to ever happen here. But 
The Armageddon Factor shows that the Canadian Christian right — infuriated by the legalization of same-sex marriage and the increasing secularization of society — has been steadily and stealthily building organizations, alliances and contacts that have put them close to the levers of power and put the government of Canada in their debt.
Determined to outlaw homosexuality and abortion, and to restore Canada to what they see as its divinely determined destiny to be a nation ruled by Christian laws and precepts, this group of true believers has moved the country far closer to the American mix of politics and religion than most Canadians would ever believe.
McDonald’s book explores how a web of evangelical far-right Christians have built think-tanks and foundations that play a prominent role in determining policy for the Conservative government of Canada. She shows how Biblical belief has allowed Christians to put dozens of MPs in office and to build a power base across the country, across cultures and even across religions.
“What drives that growing Christian nationalist movement is its adherents’ conviction that the end times foretold in the book of Revelation are at hand,” writes McDonald. “Braced for an impending apocalypse, they feel impelled to ensure that Canada assumes a unique, scripturally ordained role in the final days before the Second Coming — and little else.”
The Armageddon Factor shows how the religious right’s influence on the Harper government has led to hugely important but little-known changes in everything from foreign policy and the makeup of the courts to funding for scientific research and social welfare programs like daycare. And the book also shows that the religious influence is here to stay, regardless of which party ends up in government.
For those who thought the religious right in Canada was confined to rural areas and the west, this book is an eye-opener, outlining to what extent the corridors of power in Ottawa are now populated by true believers. For anyone who assumed that the American religious right stopped at the border, 
The Armageddon Factor explains how US money and evangelists have infiltrated Canadian politics.
This book should be essential reading for Canadians of every religious belief or political stripe. Indeed, 
The Armageddon Factor should persuade every Canadian that, with the growth of such a movement, the future direction of the country is at stake.