We are. The fix has been in since Stephen Harper was installed leader of a newly created Conservative Party of Canada, with help from the now bankrupt and Russian mob funded American NRA. He's an adherent of the same Christo-Fascism that's re-installed Donald Trump POTUS so his oligarchic mob can enact their white male Christian supremacist Project 2025.
I know I sound like a broken record, but Harper's groomed and radicalized disciple, Pierre Poilievre, very publicly showed his allegiance to the Freedom Convoy's occupation of downtown Ottawa, Canada's January 6th, during which he declared his run for "PM" and Putin readied to invade Ukraine.
Republicans there are Conservatives here and if you still want to pretend there's any daylight between them, well, fill your leaky boots. Trump, Musk, all the sexual perverts and con artists, Republican and Conservative alike, thumbs upped the Freedom Convoy, a Neo-Nazi attack on civilians and insurrection attempt all rolled into one.
Or, as its propagandists at Postmedia put it, a fun fair. Because that happened, too, gaslighting by coast to coast Canadian media owned by an American hedge fund.
I think I despise Postmedia propagandists most of all. As Bette Davis said, "You should only say good things of the dead. Joan Crawford is dead. Good."
Rex Murphy is dead. Good.
No wonder Pierre Poilievre wants to eliminate CBC. It's owned by Canadian taxpayers, not an American hedge fund. He's a fascist, you know. Your vote for your local Conservative candidate is a vote for fascism. Don't pretend not to know it. You don't have to hold your nose to vote Liberal, either, so stop pretending you're a hero for doing it. You can see as well as I can, there's only one name on the Freedom Convoy's Neo-Nazi hate flags, and it may as well be mine.
Or yours, stupid.
Oh alright, thank you for your service, sir. You voted Liberal. Help yourself to a Purple Heart.
On that note, though, it's pretty hard coming to terms with the fact the Democrats did nothing to prevent Trump from running for re-election, even after his very public leading of the January 6th insurrection from his bunker, filmed for our viewing pleasure, but don't believe your lying eyes.
I thought for a while, after the Mueller investigation came to naught during his first term, the Democratic Party's strategy was to let democracy play out instead, Trump's loss being the justice Americans needed to effect for themselves, and that once they were re-elected to the presidency, they'd act to bring about justice by any means necessary to do it.
Boy was I wrong. And there was a woman consistently warning of this on Twitter, back when I was on it. Her name is Cheri Jacobus and she was attacked by pretty much everybody, accused of being a Republican Party operative, Debbie Downer, Merrick Garland hater, even while she dutifully read the entire Mueller report aloud.
But she was right. There was never going to be justice. Everybody and his Uncle Sam is too compromised by Donald Trump for there to be any. It's all been an elaborate show of smoke and mirrors. I used to think it came down to protecting Bill Clinton, a frequent flier on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express, serial compromiser of liberal Feminists, and ongoing saboteur of wife Hillary's political ambitions, but clearly it's much deeper and wider than just one rogue.
Forget Matt Gaetz, human trafficker, as Attorney General. Just re-install Merrick Garland.
And if you don't despise Merrick Garland by now, you really should.
By way of self care and social engagement I've joined a community centre. I'm taking acting classes - one of which is really an acting out class.
Very fun.
And I'm cooking, baking, sewing.
Oh and I'm back on our housing committee.
Being on our housing committee again is the opposite of fun but my acting out class is helping me deal better with the personal dynamics involved in this sort of grassroots volunteerism. Tricky when personal finances are involved, but also when the stakes are so small, inviting an inverse proportion of emotional investment.
But being on it is my way of acting local. Community engagement is community engagement, and I'm good at this type of thing.
One of our number is a Freedom Convoy groupie, an anti-vaxxer, and believer in all sorts of garbage, an honest to goodness angry nutcase with a chip on her shoulder the size of the empire state building. It's tricky for the rest of us, because she votes according to her feelings, not the facts, but she's just one of five.
As president, I finally confronted her, privately, over what she calls "personal boundary setting", but which is actually just attacking other committee members during meetings for imagined slights that have nothing to do with the agenda - or anything based in reality - and it went down really well because she responded by refusing to attend the next meeting.
We'd been tiptoeing around her random mid-meeting mood swings, but she likes going door-to-door to collect proxies for annual general meetings, so we focus on that, her usefulness in getting quorum, and put up with the rest.
It takes all kinds to make a world. She was appointed, not elected, and a neighbour recently said, "Oh well, she won't get elected so it should be over after the annual general meeting in a few weeks."
I reminded her of the recent re-election of Donald Trump, although she likely won't actually run, so yay. Nor will I for that matter. Time for fresh sacrifice.
But I called this entry "Reframe It" because that's what I'm doing to relationships past and present. I'm reframing them. They don't fail, we free each other up to form other ones. It's a play on learning to say no to some people to allow us to say yes to others, including ourselves.
I always told my kids, about their parents, it's not the people, it's the relationship. It's not about who's right or wrong, it's about compatibility. It's not about loving and caring, it's about not being on the same page anymore.
It's about saying no to one relationship so you can say yes to another, even if that other relationship is just to yourself.
One more time: Nobody leaves a happy relationship.
On the flip side: If someone wants to free themself from a relationship, let them.
The upcoming government of the United States is a kakistocracy, government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state, and it won''t really be a government at all. At least one of the appointees, Tulsi Gabbard, is an operative for Putin's Russia, and was at one time much beloved by (what I call) the revolutionary Left.
She'll be in charge of national security.
Pierre Poilievre, who is on the side of the Neo-Nazi insurrectionists of Freedom Convoy fame, should get along well with her, although he'd be more comfortable with a male traitor, given his very obvious dislike of women. I think the wife's a beard, but it's just my suspicion. I also think she's why he can't get a security clearance, but that's just my suspicion, too.
By the way, Matt Gaetz is supposedly resigning because everybody and her Aunt Louise knows about his sex with teenage girls, but what about the human trafficking and young man he brought into the US whom he claimed later was his son? I figure that's the real reason for his resignation. Americans are fine with old men having sex with teenage girls, never mind middle-aged men.
Cripes, Trump was sexually assaulting pre-teen girls at Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail orgies, which Republicans knew all about, and they nominated him for President anyway.
He likely sexually assaulted his own daughter when she was a pre-teen. Rape AND incest. Republicans don't care. Nor do Conservatives. Vic Toews had a sexual affair with his children's teenaged babysitter, later impregnating and marrying her. Stephen Harper appointed him Attorney General.
The Clintons invited Donald Trump to daughter Chelsea's wedding. Why? Why did anybody have anything to do with Donald Trump? He's only ever been depraved, a serial rapist and conman, a financial fraud, and whatever blackmail Putin has on him you can be sure the CIA and FBI have worse. So who are all these men in power protecting? Each other? What if video was shown to Americans of Trump sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl (a 12-year-old girl who then disappeared, by the way)? Would it matter?
Putin, the public face of the Christo-Fascist death cult intent on destroying Western liberal democracy, prefers little boys to little girls, sexually, I mean. He's a pedophile but George W. Bush looked into his soul and saw a mate. From what I read, Putin and his entourage behaved like barbarians on that same trip, drinking themselves stupid and trashing the landscape wherever they went.
Now Putin is the leader of both the Christo-Fascist world and the so-called free one.
Oh well maybe Pierre Poilievre will talk tougher to him than Stephen Harper did.
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