I read an interesting comment on a super creepy weird guy's Twitter I frequent to freak myself out on this Trump/Russia treason. It was to the effect that the Russians, in helping to elect Trump, may have - ironically - brought down that American criminal enterprise known as the Republican Party. The comment harks back to Lindsay Graham's desperate plea, once upon a time, "If we nominate Trump, we will be destroyed.... and we will deserve it."
In my opinion, Lindsay seems drugged to the gills since his 180 conversion to Trump-love, like he can't face the future sober anymore. If what I've read about him is true, and it includes rumours re kompromat involving minors but also Republicans involved in a very treasonous plot to sell American nuclear technology to the Saudi royal mafia, it's no wonder.
Anyway, the comment implies, too, that the Deep State (yes, brocialists, you are right, there really is a Deep State - thank goodness) let the 2016 election play out because the plan was always to get the Republican Party where everybody could see it. And then expose it. This is what makes sense to me, given that the Mueller investigation began almost as soon as the chock-a-block with fraud inauguration was concluded, which means that it was ready to go long before.
But who knows.
In the meantime, my advice is to ignore all those "nyah nyahers" online about Mueller's "just the facts, ma'am" appearance as the gaslighters they are.
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