Saturday, July 11, 2020

Make Government Work Again

Since my late mother's public service pension went entirely to Chartwell, profiteering vampire-at-large benefiting former premier and lifelong thug, Mike Harris, and then partially to Extendicare, houses of horror in ongoing violation of even our most basic regulations, I say all residences for people who are no longer able to live independently, or just no longer want to, should be entirely public and paid for with the public and private pensions of residents.

So co-op-style.

Because here's the thing, nobody deserves more pension than anybody else anyway, but also, we don't need money when we're old and certainly wouldn't need money if we could count on our governments to - at least - look after us - properly and equally - in our old age.

This is just stupid how we're living. I'm still working because I don't have any pension, not because I want to be working. Meanwhile, my younger ex retired a couple of years ago on more money than my current partner and I make combined. A recent university graduate should be doing my job, like, say, one of my own offspring. Instead we have thousands of them (not mine, everybody's!) in student debt up to their ears who aren't working at all and so have no way of paying it off.

Why? No wonder anxiety and depression are rampaging through our population. And who wants to add the responsibility of babies to their stressed lives?

Oh and here's the real kicker - in spite of my fear of me or you, Dear Reader, getting COVID-19, my old lady still working life is actually better because at least I don't have to spend a couple of hours a day commuting on public transit to make money to increase my pension so that I don't have to live in a cardboard box in the middle of the road when I'm no longer able or wanting to live independently.

Seriously, stop the world, I want to get off.

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