Sunday, August 2, 2020

Rent Money

Where's it all going? Who's benefiting from our crazy high rents here in Ottawa? Why the hell do bachelor apartments in my shitty neighbourhood go for $1100 and one bedrooms for $1500?

Are Ottawa landlords all money launderers for the Russian mob or something?

What Millennial, never mind GenZ, can afford rents that high? And that's just in my shitty neighbourhood with its shitty public transit and four lane speedways.

Ferfucksake, politicians, get it together. Rents are too high. Nobody under thirty is making any money. And if they are, it's all going to the Russian mob or whoever's getting all that extortion.

And if we'd had a basic annual income before this goddamned pandemic, we'd ALL be in a much better position to weather it. You lot have one. And your rent's covered, too. How about a little quid pro quo for your sister and brother citizens?

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