Facebook friends have been posting an article about our evolution, taking us back 4 billion years, past apes and reptiles and what look suspiciously like the silverfish I used to spot in the bathroom of my apartment in downtown Ottawa, to self-replicating mRNA molecules.👾
Kidding, self-replicating RNA molecules. No m.😜
Not kidding, I'm a Creationist now.🙏
The thing is, the article concludes with the prediction of a "Great Averaging", to come at some future date. As in no more diversity, just same/same human beings.😕
This was confusing to me (hence the confused emoticon) because I assumed we were already there, and have been for quite some time, same/same, diversity a word we use to cover made up stuff like culture, race and gender. Our gang colours, as it were.👥
I mean, sure, we're individuals, but so are my grandcats. We're as "same/same" within our species as they are in theirs.😼
Cripes, ants and bees are more diverse than we are, more diverse even than our grandcats, who can at least be Siamese, British Shorthair, Manx, Snowshoe, Singapura, Bengal and so on and so forth and more of the same etc etc. Meanwhile, ants and bees have actual Queens. We just call other same/same humans queens - or kings, so they can pad out our news hours and/or murder us with impunity.👸
But even CBC knows, deep down, King Charles III is the same under his bejewelled crown and ermine robes as Joe Sixpack and Sally Housecoat from Tallahassee, who are the same as Malala and Cher and back around to his cast out son, Prince Harry, and Prince Harry's wicked step-mother Camilla.👺
Also, how many Wallises and Dianas and Meghans, how many Camillas, ffs, will it take for CBC to admit Buckingham Palace is just Coronation Street in drag.💂
Speaking of CBC, last evening's Ottawa newscast, already chock-a-block with ads featuring lone cars/jeeps/trucks racing through empty cities/deserts/wilderness, graced viewers with a several minutes long interview featuring a woman who recently purchased one such vehicle. She advised viewers if we, too, want to purchase a new vehicle, we must go to a dealership and beg a sales associate to let us buy whatever's available on the lot, no matter the price - or - fuhgeddaboudit.🙅
I only wish I was kidding but the interview went on to include a check in with a sales associate at a car dealership who confirmed, yup, what she said - or - fuhgeddaboudit.🙅
I also learned the Stanley Cup was finally won by somebody, somebody else bought the Senators (the hockey team) and somebody something the Raptors.💤
But back to the "Great Averaging"/end of diversity (which I still contend was always here). We used to refer to death as the "Great Leveller", but Twitter long since overtook death and now Artificial Intelligence has overtaken Twitter.👽
Just look at how happy Yoko Ono's John Lennon was to be alive again and singing alongside Linda McCartney's Paul at Glastonbury last year, like Wings and Silly Love Songs never happened.👻
When has a rich man not spent his humanity trying to buy divinity?
But I'm lucky because I have faith, in spite of having been president of our housing association, and on my way to swim at a pond, I pass an elementary school and see children playing with each other, same as it ever was, running around, making noise, puppies at the dog park. Some of those children transcend their entirely made-up gender, as do some of the pond goers, also same as it ever was. Some are neurodiverse, too. Again, same as it ever was. But because we're well into a time of "Great Averaging", and our individuality is still and always will be the essence of our humanness, we all just want more and ever more recognition of it, the freedom to live well as our unique selves within our entirely made-up, diverse or not, various and sundry gated communities world over.💃
A while ago, before I read the article, I was watching TVO's The Agenda. Steve Paikin was interviewing an expert on gender. Eventually he asked the question, with regard to boy vs girl, how much of this gender stuff is nurture and not nature. Her answer? "All of it."💣
His response?👀
It was mine, too, not because I didn't know it already but because it was so succinctly put. Finally. So forget the "Great Averaging", in spite of having been president of a housing association, I'm putting my faith in our "Great Humanizing".😇
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