Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hello? Pope Francis? I'm Calling about Coving- Hello?

The social media news cycle moves quickly, doesn't it? I had a blog entry all ready to go about a seminar I attended a couple of government assignments ago on transgenderism, and how mind-blowing it was, when Covington High suddenly took over the internet.

Now, I don't care who you are or where you come from but if you aren't disturbed by the sight of a little shit, surrounded by a backup mob of little shits, brazenly disrespecting an older man in a public space, then you need to give your Conservative head in Conservativeville a shake.

Hear that rattling? That's your brain telling you this one's a no-brainer.

Yes, my white social justice warrior friends, it matters that Nathan Phillips, the personification of grace under pressure, is Indigenous. Because that is definitely white male supremacist little shit behaviour we are witnessing on that video. There is no way on earth those little shits would have behaved that way towards an older white man.

Or would they, Conservatives?

Yeah, that's right, you're not too sure they wouldn't, are you. And Nathan Phillips is a lot braver than you are, don't you know it. And if you don't, I do.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Those little shits will grow up into big shits. And you're gettin' old. And vulnerable. With lotsa ill-gotten gains lyin' 'round.

And yes, my white social justice warrior friends, you are correct re little shit mommy's claim that the black muslims (actually hebrews?) being called out as Uncle Toms (and other epithets this white lady shouldn't use) by other black men in attendance, did not make her son do what he did. Because they did not. I watched the 2 hour (1 hour and 45 minutes or somesuch) video of the entire event currently being circulated by grown ass white Conservative manpologists for these little shits and I don't see it.

In fact, it looked to me like the religious nutters made Nathan Phillips do what he did, which was to come between them and the little shits out of concern for everybody involved.

Seriously, somebody should name a civic square after that guy.

Also, somebody should tell Nathan Phillips that for teenage white boys, coming across a handful of religious nutters (aka "black muslims" by white boy moms) who proceed to call them sodomites and whatnot, is a field trip highlight, not low point. Besides, from what I saw, the other black men had that.

Everything isn't about you, Nathan Phillips!

But, of course, that's the problem with social media, isn't it. The reaction is the message, to paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, such that I've just negated Marshall McLuhan in an off the cuff blog post that took minutes to write and now you're reading it already.

Oh. I guess it's still the medium that's the message, then, isn't it.

My goodness, Marshall McLuhan was a smart cookie.

And now, because I'm a mother, I'm actually a little concerned for the prime little shit. Because there is a moment there where I'm pretty sure he starts to second guess what he's doing, and the smirk flickers a bit, the eyes glance down. Alas, the internet is forever, isn't it, and social media is all about doubling down, not owning up.

Even if he wanted to apologize to Nathan Phillips rightwing reactionary vox populi wouldn't have it. They'd rather deny him redemption.

Because winning.

Social media is the worst, the absolute worst.

Meanwhile, not missed in all this is the fact that the little shits were on a field trip to protest female citizens having the right to end unwanted pregnancy, as if providing access to legal pregnancy terminating services isn't the least our society can do for its female citizens.

And taxpayers! Because women pay the same taxes men do and yet men don't have to worry about being impregnated by women, do they. No they do not.

Jesus H. Christ.

And speaking of, what would Jesus H. Christ have to say about the little shits in that video, eh? Well fortunately, Jesus H. Christ speaks through the Pope, so all we have to do is ask Him.

Although given what I've read today about Covington, Kentucky, best not mention it right off the bat or He's likely to do that thing popes do when they realize too late that they shouldn't have picked up, which is pretend to be the custodian.

"Da Pope? No, he no here. Juss me and I clean phone, answer by accident. Bye bye."

There, Conservatives - don't tell me I never write anything for you.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's cool that Toronto has named a square after him!
