Saturday, July 6, 2019

An Investor in Canada's Energy Sands Asks

I think it's fishy that instead of trying to get pipelines built and seek out new markets for oil from Canada's Energy Sands, former prime minister Stephen Harper spends all his time now building coalitions between authoritarian nationalist governments and treasonous Republican money launderers for the Russian mob.

How is schmoozing with Hungarian dictators and Larry Kudrow helping Canadian Energy Sands investors? Cripes, he went on and bitterly on about everybody and her grandma supposedly thwarting him back when he had a majority Conservative Party of Canada government and an Alberta Conservative government and a BC Liberal (so Conservative, too) government all on his side wanting pipelines built and new markets signed on for our oil.

Oh, and the Liberal Party of Canada, too.

Justin Trudeau as third party leader on the hustings: "There's not a country in the world that would leave all that oil in the ground."

I can't remember if Thomas Mulcair wanted pipelines built and new markets for our oil or not and I don't care so I'm not even going to google it.

Last I read, even Elizabeth May of the Green Party wants a pipeline built (and a refinery? because I want a refinery now, too, unless we have one already, I don't know, I'm new to being an investor in our Energy Sands) for domestic consumption of our oil.

So it strikes me as fishy how foreign hedge fund owned Conservative Party of Canada pamphlet producing Postmedia/Sun worked so hard to destroy Rachel Notley's NDP government of Alberta even though it was working so hard with Justin Trudeau's Liberal government (that it's also trying to destroy) to make real progress on both getting pipelines built AND finding new markets for our oil - that aren't the unreliable US or China (currently attempting to destroy our economy).

And now, Jason Kenney, formerly of Stephen Harper's no progress on pipelines and/or new markets for our oil majority CPC government (with the added very fishy sale of a portion of our Energy Sands to China, and see paragraph above), instead of (at least) following through if not expanding on Rachel Notley's NDP government's contracts to move oil by rail, is canceling them and wasting money - as did Stephen Harper - deflecting to bogus investigations into foreign funding of Canadian environmental groups instead.

How come Conservative politicians spend all their time and effort trying to defeat Liberal and NDP governments trying to get pipelines built and oil from our Energy Sands to new markets? And then when they do defeat them and form governments themselves, waste all our money looking for foreign funding of environmental groups instead of getting the job done for Canadian Energy Sands investors?

Like I say, it all seems very fishy now that I'm an investor in our Energy Sands, so as an investor I'm calling for an investigation into foreign funding of Canadian Conservative parties.

Because they don't seem to be working in my interests as an investor in Canada's Energy Sands at all and I'd like to know in whose interests they are working.

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