Monday, April 13, 2020

Fly on the Wall

A Facebook friend just wondered, now that Bernie Sanders has endorsed his friend, Joe Biden, if Bernie Sanders would be his running mate.

Well no, Joe Biden already promised it'd be a woman. So if Bernie Sanders told Joe Biden he'd only endorse him if he chose him to be his running mate, Joe Biden would have had to say, "No can do, Bern, already promised it to a skirt. Everybody heard me say it, not that, well, never mind. Ah, ya don't wanna be VP anyway. VP's nothin'. Aim higher. But hurry it up 'cause we're gettin' our clocks cleaned out there."

"Okay, okay. Let me think. <grind grind grind> Credit! I want credit!"

"Well sure, Bern, I didn't know you needed money. All ya had to do was ask Jill-"

"I mean credit for all the good stuff! I want credit for all the good stuff! And task forces! Lots of task forces! Teams of task forces!"

"Wow, Bernie, ya gotta deal. Credit and task forces comin' right up."

"And a speech. I wanna make a speech."

"Sure, Bernie. Sounds great. Make a speech. Just remember to stick 'I endorse Joe Biden' in there close to the top before everybody stops listening."

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