Monday, October 19, 2020

Pandemic Confessions

Being able to articulate in writing how I experience this life we're all living I feel like the least I can do is blather on about it on my blog.

So here's one effect of COVID-19 that for me comes 40 years too late: The shutdown.

Look, millions of people who used to have to go out in the world to make a living for ourselves and our families - and didn't want to - can now: "Earn $$$ working from home!"

It's all I ever wanted.

Also, not only do I not have to pretend to give a shit about Halloween now, I don't even have to buy candy for it - candy that would normally be boycotting but it's not like I'm going to give out organic fair trade chocolate to a bunch of kids, is it.

Oh hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.

This Christmas is going to be the best ever. 


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