Saturday, September 14, 2024

Just the Scraps, Ma'am

Climate change, thanks to our greenhouse gas emissions, is costing Canadians billions of dollars, and our premiers and Singh and Poilievre are busy pandering to voters, the poorest of whom get a rebate on the carbon tax we pay, by pretending the federal government has it all wrong putting a price on pollution and including all of us in the fight against climate change with industry carrying the load.

The odious little shit, Pierre Poilievre, pretends not to believe in climate change, and the rest of the parasites in the Conservative Party go along with it, because he doesn't care about anybody or anything except money and power and neither do they.

But he's going to be the next Prime Minister of the Great White North because he's successfully fuelled the irrational rage of Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

Remember when the world stopped due to the pandemic and we got a break from greenhouse gas emissions proving we could do something about climate change if we all cooperated in the effort?

Whoever advised Trudeau to cave to those over-represented Maritimers should be beaten with a board with a nail in it. He should've told them to get stuffed because he'll get no gratitude for it. Those old seadogs will kick him to the curb for the Christo-Fascist gun lobby calling itself the Conservative Party because, even though they've been subsidized up the wazoo since Confederation, they don't want to pay taxes, help in the fight against climate change, etc etc etc.

CBC reported last week that car manufacturers, the same ones who make their cars so easy to steal our publicly funded police spend all our money trying to track them down, are making cars so big they have too many blind spots, and so we need regulations now due to too many blind spots in over-sized cars.

Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth and promises of more "red tape" reduction from the Russian propaganda amplifiers calling themselves Conservatives because they don't give a shit how many kids are killed by adults who can't see them while driving to the grocery store.

We've had a friend's car until he sells it, which he'd best do before our legs stop working, because yesterday, instead of riding our bikes to the bakery for bread, we drove.

Anybody who owns a house or condo is sitting pretty and don't you think for a second they aren't. Ours has doubled in value since we bought it 14 years ago. I don't really want it anymore, but it's cheaper than renting and I'm nervous about the party representing the interests of the Freedom Convoy neo-Nazis, the Conservative Party, raiding our Canada Pension Plan when Canadians elect them to a majority in 2025 because we are, apparently, the stupidest nation on Earth.

When Premier Loon of Alberta mused about taking Tarsands Inc's share of the CPP, the Lying Lie-face, the execrable Pierre Poilievre, shut down any conversation of him doing the same once in power, so now we know that's exactly the plan.

An older Facebook friend posted a cartoon of Singh saying "here's where I get out" while he opens the door of a car with Liberal written on its side going over a cliff. Haha, get it? A national childcare program, dentalcare, pharmacare, investments in clean(er) energy to help prevent the destruction of all life on Earth = driving The Economy! The Economy! off a cliff. Meanwhile, military personnel and veterans complain nonstop about our government not spending enough on them while they vote for the traitors in league with the white supremacists we fought against in WWII, aka the Conservative Party.

The Freedom Convoy was a three week white power rally thumbs upped by every Russian asset from our Official Opposition to Trump's insurrectionist Republican Party.

FFS the Conservatives entertained both domestic and foreign neo-Nazis in our Parliament. Where I come from, the heavily subsidized Sault, you've got one neo-Nazi in the party, you're all neo-Nazis.

Pierre Poilievre is a neo-Nazi or he wouldn't hang out with Diagolon Accelerationists. Period. End of.

But speaking of the Sault, and neo-Nazi party supporters, Bob the Steelworker, a Teamster, is so, so, so angry at Justin the Prime Minister. Why? He has a good job with benefits at the government subsidized Algoma Steel plant, but he doesn't like that his female neighbour will get dentalcare because, according to him, she's lazy and doesn't deserve it. Now, I'm not saying Justin should've just clocked the entitled little asshole, aka privileged little shit, but I am saying maybe Justin should travel with The Old Monster, aka former PM Jean Chretien, to give Millennial Bob's head a shake.

The Sault, like every other city, is in a healthcare crisis because healthcare is the responsibility of the corrupt thug and illiterate moron, Doug Ford, and Doug Ford works for the Muskoka Mafia, not you and certainly not me.

More of us don't have a doctor than do and nobody who has one is going to move or do anything to jeopardize their good fortune in this lottery of a healthcare system Canadians have paid into for generations, only to find it AWOL in our older age when we need it most.

Who are you idiot oldsters voting for this garbage?!

And why the hell aren't young women voting? I would be too scared to have a baby now. I really would. My heart goes out to all the young women willing to brave it, but Geez Louise, vote, dammit.

Want Doug Ford to give a shit about you? Be rich and own a cottage in Muskoka or be a crooked cop. Crooked cops LOVE Conservatives. It's the loot bags at all those weddings. Good luck to the investigators of the Greenbelt criminality dodging Doug Ford's crooked cop friends in the mix.

In the early days of the pandemic first responders, mostly cops and their unions, showed whose side they're on and it's not the good guys' side. Sunshine listers, angry about... ? Where I live I see the struggle. A skinny woman, a couple of decades younger than me, taking a couple of buses, carrying a green garbage bag as big as she is full of empty beer cans, the hardest working person I saw on the bus the other day, a woman Bob the Steelworker, Conservative Party supporter, would call lazy, undeserving of dentalcare.

Well bonus, Bob, she had no teeth.

He's been radicalized, you know, and it's women he's been radicalized against. He wants us pushed around, pushed back, and he wants it done by the state, that's why he's so angry at Justin, Feminist-at-large. Bob believes we're the why of the problems he's been brainwashed into believing he has, this Teamster with a good job and benefits - again, at a heavily subsidized workplace courtesy the rest of us - grousing about paying taxes and having a government that uses them as they're meant to be used, spreading the wealth to citizens of fewer resources.

And now we have New Democrats, yammering away about "working people", like Bob the Steelworker, who has long since been voting for Putin's Conservative Party, because all he cares about is himself. He doesn't give a rat's ass about anybody but himself. And by the way, those New Democrats include the much ballyhooed Wab Kinew of Manitoba, lined up in lockstep with a party born of guns, the Bible, and white nationalism, because that's what's going on with the Conservative Party just as it is in the United States with Donald Trump and his Republican treason weasels.

Everybody and his racist grampa will vote to bring down the Liberals over a program every economist worth their salt would say is sound and every environmentalist worth theirs would say isn't nearly enough even to mitigate the catastrophic effects of climate change.

We are paying for it in the billions and electing the Conservatives to the government of Canada will only make our lives that much more expensive but also so so so cheap in every way that matters.

The fact is, we haven't been paying what it costs to live here in decades, and all we'll be doing by electing yet more Conservatives to public office is making our lives worse, and making a mockery of the only true measure of a society's worth, which is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens.

Sometimes I wonder if we're at a point in this individual vs the community race to the bottom we're in that we just don't want the world to go on for others after we ourselves are gone from it.

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