Friday, September 6, 2024

Nitty Gritty Conspiraditty

Just the facts, ma'am.

We only ever had Stephen Harper's word for it that he talked tough to Putin.

After losing the election to Justin Trudeau in 2015, his party created in 2003 having failed to cheat hard enough to win it, Stephen Harper was installed as Chair of the IDU. From there he helped elect Putin Puppet, Donald Trump, President of the United States.

The "F*ck Trudeau" Freedom Convoy that attacked us, civilians living and working in downtown Ottawa, in 2022, while simultaneously blockading our international borders, costing Canadians billions of dollars, was given the thumbs up by Donald Trump, leader of the January 6th 2021 insurrection in the US, Fox News, Russia Today, and leaders past and present of the Conservative Party of Canada, at least one of whom is also an American citizen who likely voted for Donald Trump, not that a Canadian reporter has ever asked.

In spite of rumoured moderates in the Conservative Party, all its MPs voted in lockstep against invoking the Emergency Act to end the Freedom Convoy's three week attack on children, their pets, new mothers, their babies, palliative care patients, their caregivers, etc etc etc. The attack also featured gallows, cranes with nooses, unattended gasoline, fireworks, Hells Angels, drunk/high men marauding about harassing people wearing masks, hijabs, shopping for groceries, and lots and lots of flags, not one of them Ukrainian, many of them American, Confederate, a swastika or two, and "F*ck Trudeau". 

Meanwhile, mid-attack/insurrection attempt, Pierre Poilievre, thumb shaking with excitement at the violence unfolding in Centretown, an ONDP/LPC riding, declared his run for "PM". His blatantly corrupt leadership campaign (because haha democracy's a joke - get it?) was officially endorsed by Stephen Harper from his post at the IDU, the official laundromat for global fascism. Later Pierre Poilievre would march in solidarity with insurrectionist James Topp, his handler? Trump's man, Paul Alexander, since caught out by the FBI as part of a Russian disinformation campaign, over his shoulder.

Oh, I almost forgot. Right after the Emergency Act was invoked, sending our attackers back to Alberta, home of the Freedom Convoy's neo-Nazi organizers, Russia attacked Ukraine.

I guess if you didn't experience the Freedom Convoy attack, or if you fell for the lie that it was about truckers and vaccine mandates, it's hard to understand the effect it had on those of us who did. But there was a public inquiry into the invocation of the Emergency Act, and plenty of us have told our story. For me it was the knowing so many of our publicly funded police and politicians were complicit with it that I'm pretty sure led to the panic attacks I would experience over the next couple of years.

I know people who've been sucked into believing Russia's propaganda with regard to Ukraine, who believe there's no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, the Conservatives and the Liberals, who don't like Trudeau for this reason or that excuse. Lord knows he can score on his own net like no other politician I can think of, but I also know it may as well be my name on all those fascist hate flags as his.

So yeah, go sit on a pine cone and rotate if you're helping elect a Russian Op - because that's what the Conservative Party of today is - to my Parliament.

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