Thursday, February 28, 2019


I can't imagine an MP from either of our other two main parties, ever in a million years, standing up to the leader of her own party, especially when it's the government, just a few scant months before an election, the way Jody Wilson-Raybould (I've been spelling it Raybauld, which is embarrassing, and no, I don't want to talk about it) has stood up to Justin Trudeau (et al).

So there's that.

And it's a big that. Think back through the Harper Gang's bribery and electoral fraud, The Old Monster (Chretien) and AdScam, The Other Old Monster (Mulroney) and his envelopes full of cash. None of the politicians who could have done, none of the backroom boys, stood up to the leader to decry any of it. And that shit was criminal. Eventually, and somewhat ironically, you get to Justin's old man, Pierre, and John Turner's resignation as Finance Minister a couple of generations ago.

Well this is pretty much the inverse of that, isn't it. It's not JWR on the ropes, it's JT and the PMO and even the PCO.

And if you really stop and think about it, which no one ever does anymore because social media, that's some pretty major progress up here in Canada Inc.

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