Friday, March 6, 2020

And the Winner Is...

I only half pay attention to what's going on south of the border because I don't want to lose what's left of my mind, but speaking of Joe Biden, it looks to me like Mitt Romney is positioning himself for something.

In the meantime, Elizabeth Warren just called out Bernie Sanders' supporters for being the obnoxious bullies they've been for at least four years now, so, feel the Bern, bros. Here's hoping she goes for broke and a shot at being VP and endorses Joe Biden.


Anyway, I'm no political strategist (like Tad Devine of Paul Manafort and Bernie Sanders 2016 fame) but if I was the top dog and a socialist (I guess I should insert democratic either before or after socialist so that goons from Socialist International don't picket my hovel) going into a race to lead a liberal party of which I'm not a member, instead of attacking the liberals who are, I'd take it down a notch. But who knows. Maybe my ego would get so big being the leader of my party of one that it wouldn't leave room for my brain.

By the way, apparently there's such a discrepancy between those famous mom and pop donations (of either $27 or $14 amounts) that have been supporting Bernie Sanders' wildly expensive campaigns, and the votes they should translate to but don't (donors to political parties tend to follow-up with actual votes), that the FEC came up with a 500-plus page report about it all.

I read somewhere in the silo I'm on online that Saudi Arabia features in it.


But hindsight is 20/20 and like I said, I'm no political strategist (like David Sirota, Bernie Sanders' campaign manager and leader of his obnoxious bully squad currently being called out by Elizabeth Warren) but if I really wanted a President to take on Wall Street I'd have asked Bernie Sanders to not run at all so that Elizabeth Warren would be the alternative to the rest of the field and the first female pres... Oh never mind.

I dunno. Maybe Bernie Sanders is just the chaos agent he seems to me to be and not actually in it to win it after all.

Regardless, it looks like this shit show is about to get a whole lot shittier. Chin up, everybody. There are lots of asteroids out there.

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