Friday, July 26, 2024

Angry Young Men

Watching Danielle Smith's crocodile tears at her press conference with regard to the forest fire that's devastating Jasper National Park a terrible thought occurred to me.

What if her cutting of Alberta's fire fighting services was deliberate, as in, not just reckless, but calculated?

The ground is so dry out West fires smoulder year round now. So it's not as if even a sociopathic loon like Danielle Smith wouldn't recognize the need to invest even more in Alberta's fire fighting services.

Instead she cut them.

I don't know why, but it's as if we don't want to remember how the Conservative Party of Canada came to be, but it was birthed by Alberta separatists, its creator, Stephen Harper, signatory to the Alberta Firewall Letter, his 2003 creation one of guns, the Bible, and white nationalism.

And lest we forget too, his disciple, Pierre Poilievre, helped him cheat his way to a majority in 2011, his #1 priority being to destroy our gun registry as per the want of the American NRA, most likely the funders of his leadership campaign way back when.

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, was a sore winner, a surly, vain, and arrogant autocrat, the opposite of advance man, Tom Flanagan's p.r. of humble, modest, policy wonk.

He vowed to make over our country ffs, travelled - extensively - with a personal stylist.


It's all been one big lie.

We can only imagine what a sore loser he is.

So... what if his Conservative government of Alberta - because he's the boss of all the Conservatives of Canada, this humble, modest, policy wonk - is really in the business of sabotaging the government of Canada, its goal being sovereignty on behalf of the same fascists behind the US Republican Party, and the same fascists he works for at the IDU, the same fascists at the NRA who funded his leadership campaign way back when?

Stephen Harper is in the business of electing Donald Trump and sabotaging the election of Kamala Harris. He's the enemy of liberal democracy just as Vladimir Putin is the enemy of liberal democracy.

We only ever had his word for it he talked tough to Putin and his actions completely belie his words.

The Freedom Convoy came out of Alberta. As does Pierre Poilievre who marched with its neo-Nazi insurrectionists, a very public show of whose side he's on, complete with Trump's man, Paul Alexander, over his right shoulder.


The Conservative Party even worked to eliminate Pierre Poilivre's (alias Jeff - just as J.D. Vance has changed his name, so to has PP - rite of passage to radicalized tool of global fascists?) only real rival to ensure his leadership victory - complete with video endorsement from, of course, Stephen Harper.

Boys from Brazil came to mind.

We who experienced the Freedom Convoy's attack on us, the torture and terrorizing of citizens living and working downtown, the denial of access to public services, the sabotage of our economy, also witnessed the complicity of our publicly funded police, Ford Nation, and the Conservative Party of Canada, its leaders past, present and future - along with Donald Trump - giving it the thumbs up.

Shortly after the Trudeau government invoked the Emergency Act to clear it out, Russia invaded Ukraine.

This was meant to be an entry about angry young men, many of them in our publicly funded military - vote Conservative and for tax cuts? stop pretending to give a shit about vets - somebody somewhere having convinced them they're victims, victims of discrimination by refugees, transkids, liberals, democrats, feminists.

Young women.

Because that's what this is - a war on young women.

And the fascists are using young men to wage it.

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