Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On the Bright Side

A meteor could hit Earth.

But did the Republican Party really need their Supreme Court appointees to put Donald Trump above the law, in law? I mean, he's been committing fraud and treason in plain sight for years now, and although he's had financial penalties applied against him, it's not like he's ever had to actually pay them, not out of his own wallet, anyway.

Seems to me the ruling putting presidents above the law is likely in response to the recent unanimous decision by a jury of ordinary Americans in a criminal proceeding that Donald Trump was guilty.

Shameful betrayal of those jurors but I guess we should have know this would be coming.

My question is, why would anybody who isn't Donald Trump want him to be above the law, in actual law, and not just as he's always been for whatever reason he seems to have been, raping, libelling and defrauding countless of his co-citizens?

No sooner was he found guilty in a criminal court by those same co-citizens than his toadies on the Supreme Court ruled against them. Why? What's the deal?

Who other than Donald Trump benefits by him having an exemption from ever facing any real consequences for his rampant criminality? Four years of a Democratic presidency and still no justice for the millions of Americans defrauded by this piece of shit mobster.

So what the hell is going on? No sooner do we think there will be just a modicum of justice than <whoosh> the rug is pulled out from us again. If I were those 12 jurors I'd be wanting to sue everybody who's anybody. They put their lives on the line and for what.

Something is rotten in the big ol' swamp south of our long and unprotected border and it's not just Donald Trump.

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