Sunday, May 7, 2023

Shooting Range

I've noticed recently some Canadians, women, expressing concern we'll become desensitized to American men mass murdering children, as it happens with increasing frequency due to the ease with which American men can buy guns.😖

But I think the opposite is happening and we're becoming increasingly angry, which is maybe what the enemy wants? I don't know. Who is the enemy? Who wants American men mass murdering children?❤

#NotAllMen💂 #NotAllChildren👼

When I was kid I was almost killed by a Canadian man with a gun. My brother and I were adventuring in the woods. Ever since I've been afraid of the woods. Not because the woods are full of bears (this happened in Northern Ontario) but because I might get shot by a man with a gun.👀

I read a comment on a Facebook friend's page (he'd linked to the latest mass murder at a mall in Texas) from a woman who lives among men whose backyards are now shooting ranges. A bullet hit her house. She's okay about the guns, just not getting with getting shot, so she waited until she had the all clear before heading next door to let her neighbour know he should tweak his range a bit so he didn't accidentally shoot her, which he (thankfully?) agreed to do.😲

Such are the rights of people who want to own and shoot guns in the US now. But like I just said, when I was a kid I was almost killed by a man right here in good old Canada. Was he out of season? Was I? Who the fuck cares? I was eight years old and that could've been the end of my awesome life, just like it is for countless American kids in school, at the mall, in their own backyards.😡

Back in my homemaker days I was friends with a woman whose husband, former RCMP, became unhinged (perhaps he always was), apocalyptic, dangerous. She'd managed to get him out, I don't know how, but he wasn't living very far away and still came and went from her place. Anyway, I was sitting in her living room, our kids playing, and I'm looking around at all the religious paraphernalia, when it twigged, "B? Does R have a gun?"

B looked away, then down, "Yes, but don't worry, he wouldn't use it."

And I felt guilty, sad, shitty - but also scared - and there was nothing for it but to gather up my lot and take them home, B and her kids welcome at our place but only as long as R didn't know about our existence.😬

(The "happy" ending is he ended up living with his mother out in Vancouver and not allowed near B or their kids in Ottawa.)

Another time my oldest came home from visiting a friend to say with concern, "C's dad shot a crow."

So, one more time, "Okay well that means C can come here but you're not allowed to go to C's house. I didn't know her dad had a gun or I wouldn't have let you go to her house in the first place. Thanks for telling me."

Sorry not sorry. As a mother of young kids - and we're all mama bears when our kids are young - I could draw a line in the sand - just like that - no man dared cross, zero tolerance, done and done.💪

So never mind the nanny state, these men who want to own guns rag on about, I want the mama bear state. Fuck them and fuck their goddamned guns. They're mass murdering children, ffs.💔

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