Monday, March 11, 2019

Enough Said

So, watching political operatives make hay while the sun shines on the Jody vs Justin affair, I asked myself this question: Do I care whether or not Justin Trudeau is a REAL feminist?

And the answer is no, no I do not. Whatever the nature of his thoughts, he told prospective candidates to be pro-choice or run for another party, and he did it well before the last campaign even started, so good enough. No purity tests from me. He could secretly believe that women are a bunch of big ol' beeyatches, that politics should be left to the bros club. I don't care.

Oh, and I can say big ol' beeyatches because I worked at the mall selling ladieswear for two years.

Also, watching political operatives punch down from their pulpits on Twitter today I wonder if they secretly work for the side they're pretending to be against, and that's why they're so repellent?

Anyway, big ol' beeyatches, don't take any wooden nickels and don't ever let a political operative call your Feminist credentials into question just because you're not buying what he's selling today.

He'll be selling another line tomorrow.

In the meantime, you call yourself a Feminist, you're Feminist enough for me.


  1. Yes. No purity tests for anything or most people would fail. There definitely are lots of beeyatches around & we probably all can be sometimes.
    (although I do find all the different perspectives re: feminism interesting to learn about)

    1. Social media is just one big purity test. Everybody's acting like a big ol' beeyatch these days. It's hard to stand out now.

  2. Can even be accused of it when we're not! Lolol
