Friday, March 8, 2019

On This Int'l XX Day I Do Solemnly Swear

It's such a beautiful day here in Ottawa, and yet I'm wound up like a jack-in-the-box because I've been arguing about politics on the internet.

And not even with people who hold terrible no good disgusting opinions, but with people whose opinions vary only marginally from my own.

So I made a resolution on the dog walk, a resolution witnessed by both Bernie and My Blond Companion, that I will no longer argue about politics on the internet.

I finally realized what the people on Pinterest have always known, that when we argue politics on the internet, we become just one more of a billion braying know nothings arguing politics on the internet. And if I don't like being called a lesser Feminist than a man when I don't agree with him about how Jody Wilson-Raybould reacted to the Bros Club bugging the shit out of her to change her mind on prosecuting that stinking pile of garbage, SNC Lavalin - (her reaction being the attempted take down of the only liberal Feminist government we've ever had) - then I shouldn't engage with him in the first place.

It's not like it's the first time. It's every time. And we're friends. I'm going to his place for dinner tomorrow, ffs.

So yes, I'll take the rocks out of the salad after I'm done this entry.

A different man, yet still an older white male, one I'd never encountered before on Facebook, called me racist the other day. A woman called me sexist. She charged in under the #MeToo banner because "they didn't take no from a woman as an answer". When I pointed out that equating this situation to sexual assault was a bridge too far in my opinion, a man I don't know but agree with pretty regularly, posted an angry face emoticon on my comment.

So I snoozed him for 30 days.

Growing up, my mother was very confrontational when it came to politics. A fierce Liberal who supported Sheila Copps for the leadership. But she was never on the internet. And even if she had been she'd just forget about it when she shut down her computer.

It was fun for her. It's fight or flight for me.

I live with a ball of anxiety burning away in various parts of my body 24/7. Going outside is a challenge, a challenge I meet over and over and over because, in that way, I am my mother's daughter. And this, just blogging, putting myself out there for reading, is pushing the envelope enough. I know, I know, I don't have to do it. Except I do. It's a blogger thing.

So there you have it. I've made my vow public, which is how I like to make my vows, and as Gord is my witness, I shall never argue politics on the internet again.

Oh, one more thing. People of all politics need to stop telling other people who identify as Feminists that they aren't. It's hard enough getting people who are Feminists to identify as such publicly, the last thing we need are purity tests from self-appointed deciders as to who is and who isn't a Feminist.

Feminism has changed our part of the world to the benefit of us all. We need to do everything we can to spread it to the benefit of people everywhere else.


  1. You sir, are the inspiration for it. And I am currently reading a book by David Denby that is so you on contemporary culture (he's back at Columbia studying the classics some time in the '90s)that you would be absolutely stunned. We need to go to New York and have dinner with David Denby!

  2. I know the struggle - I succeed and fail. Thank Gord for the blog, where your thoughtful, meaningful commentary can flow. 😚

  3. Another Int'l XX Day, another news piece about more women on corporate boards. Jesus. Like we don't have enough male CEOs, we need more women joining them.

  4. I'm sick of everything. It's all too much. I want to be decent but the internet makes it hard. I go on it and REACT.

  5. I agree, but not so much as to do the same.

    1. Well you're a more reasonable person. (I reference you in my book as a Freegan I met on the internet - it's a fun bit tied in with The Man Who Quit Money.) I'm a kneejerk reactionary. Arguing politics on the internet is actually bad for my health.

    2. Cool, I like being mentioned in books.
      If arguing politics is bad for my health, I probably won't live a long life, again.

    3. You will. I read you and you don't get upset like I do.

  6. Oh boy - don't get me started. I think I've got PTSD from that shit. The caucus in the 80s was ground zero for me. And then the big win in 1990 and they go out the window. Whoosh!

  7. Mish mash response.
    Yeah, being off FB has been very relaxing. It's good to be away from the crazy-making; & gain perspective of myself & others. Although I do miss you and a few people.
    Having been a teen in women's lib in what is now called "second wave" & hearing all the different beliefs these days about what feminism is, is an interesting phenomena.
    Especially so when there are many who take advantage of what feminist activists have created, yet do nothing to further women's rights, or better women's lives outside of their own material class,yet are supposedly examples. ??
    Also interesting that so many people are blaming & scapegoating Jodi & June too for refusing to follow the old boys' club ways & saying they are responsible for hurting "the cause" instead of understanding the opposite is true. Sigh...hope that makes sense. Never know anymore.
    And hope you're well.

    1. I am, thanks. Whoever you are I'm so happy to hear being off FB is relaxing and I hope to follow your lead once my book is ready. And here we are so it's all good. I ignore the waves of Feminism, which I guess makes me a stall at second wave, but I have a very up-to-the-minute daughter who keeps me hip and happening on everything intersectionality. Still, I don't weigh in. Not my thing. (I have, but I won't anymore, I should say.) I think this public airing of what's been going on behind the scenes is all good, I think everyone having to account for their role in it is good, and I also hope Canadians don't throw the baby out with the bath water and elect a Conservative government now. In a way, I think the age of the players is significant. Middle-aged women aren't going to put up with bossiness from 40-something bros.
