Saturday, March 2, 2019

Louise Mensch

Not long after the Russian mob elected the Treason Party's nominee, Donald Trump, as POTUS, I was directed by a family member to Louise Mensch on Twitter. And ever since then she's been helping me not lose my shit completely at the incredible awfulness of it all.

She's also helped me be more open-minded about why people are Conservative (not Reform, like up here, not Tea Party, like down there - Conservative) because she inspires so much respect herself. Reading her, and her politics are very different from mine - or are they? - I don't feel the urge to jump in and assert my politics on top.

For instance, she's personally against abortion. I'm all for it. 100%. Literally pro abortion.

Not sure?


It's a pretty big difference of political opinion that is. And thanks to Louise Mensch, I've learned to consider the politics of others instead of reflexively reacting to them, which is quite something for me, my middle name being "KneejerkPartisanReaction".

Except for brocialists maybe. I really have a hard time with those know-it-all purist bullies. I wish they would get a clue re what a colossal turn-off they are to voting NDP, how they make socialism seem about as inviting a prospect as a holiday in Venezuela.

Anyway, Louise thinks we should all delete our Facebook accounts because of the treason, and she's right, of course, we should. I'm not as upstanding as Louise, though, and think I should delete mine because my attention is almost always diverted to it now, the compulsion to check it gets worse every day, and as much as I'd like to be a better person on it, I'm just not going to be. Meanwhile, I'm still "read only" on Twitter because all I care about right now is the Mueller investigation and I have nothing to add to that discussion that isn't just opinion, opinion being a polite word for noise, noise being a polite word for attention whoring.

So if I disappear from Facebook one day I hope you'll seek me out here because I do have a book I want to get published and I hope you'll buy a copy of it if/when it is.

Er, even you brocialists. Seriously, you'll love my book, brocialists. It's a take down of retail ladieswear sales like you're never read before.

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