Saturday, March 9, 2019

Take My Husband - Please

A while back I read an article about a study on female sexuality that posed a giant question mark to all previous studies on female sexuality because it indicated quite clearly to the researchers involved that women are not, in fact, naturally monogamous, but rather, the opposite.

According to this study, little girls are actually born to grow up and play the field, but thanks to the nofunnick patriarchy that has long ruled over our lives - and I mean your lives, too, men, so don't blame us for this shit pile of a world - all our studies on female sexuality prior to this one start from the (erroneous) premise that women are naturally monogamous and go from there.

It rocked my world, of course, because I've been a fallen woman a thousand times over, and paid a financial price for it, let me tell you here on the internet where I'd ask that it go no further, please.

So here's an article about a handful of matriarchal societies that still exist in our terrible world - because our world is terrible and all the big mammals will be gone soon and there will just be Twitter and we'll all want to die for lack of decorum - to give you a little Saturday cheer and maybe your sex life a little truth bomb boost.

Also, revel in the knowledge that the divorce rate is no one's fault, because how we're living is so ass-backwards from how we were meant to live, or would live if we weren't buried under a shit ton of patriarchal cuntishness, that it's a wonder we can even get out of bed in the morning.

None of which is to say that I'm not happy with My Blond Companion and don't plan to keep him but I'm sixty now and he's a dozen years younger so you do the math.

Kidding - don't.

And They All Lived Happily Ever After