Thursday, March 21, 2019

"Fake Feminist!"

This is where the brainless tribalism of partisan politics leads. A female member of a Canadian political party that is the choice of white male Christian nationalists, a party chock-a-block with men (and women!) who are only in politics to reverse Feminist legislation, is sent out by her Yellow Vest pandering leadership to yell "Fake Feminist!" at the only leader of a Canadian political party to do the following:

1. Tell prospective new candidates for an upcoming election that if they aren't pro-choice they should run for another party because the Liberal Party of Canada is pro-choice.

Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and then the pointing at John McKay and then more wailing and gnashing of teeth over the unfairness of a Canadian political party leader just saying no to prospective new candidates who want to get into power so that they can force Canadian girls and women to bring unwanted pregnancies to term.

I voted NDP in a safe Liberal riding in 2015 but I'm done with that now.

Credit where credit is due.

Bring it.

2. Promise to legalize marijuana and then do it.

Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth and "The children! The children! Won't somebody please think of the children!"

And what about proportional representation! He promised!

Yeah. I don't care. It was stupid not to bring it in but flaws abound in politics and this post is about political partisans (and their paid lobbyists) weaponizing our words against us.

Legalizing marijuana might not strike some of you squares as a Feminist issue, but it is. It's a racial issue, too. In fact, marijuana was only ever illegal because of racism and sexism. And now it's legal, and in spite of the Regressive Conservative Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, a former illegal drug dealer (as opposed to medical school graduates who've been prescribing legal addictive opiates like candy for decades) Jezebels like me will soon be able to go to a store and buy it.

The illegal drug world is not just dominated almost entirely by men, it's dominated almost entirely by men steeped in a culture of toxic masculinity. And the illegal dealers are all men, men women aren't necessarily comfortable meeting up with to buy marijuana, and so we end up dependent on our male partners to do it for us.

And marijuana will prove to have virtually none of the negative side effects on women's health that alcohol does. Just you wait and see. Nor does marijuana have the toxicity of alcohol when it comes to male violence against women. And now that it's legal, maybe the proper studies can be done to prove what every woman who enjoys marijuana knows, which is that it is a safe sexual experience enhancer extraordinaire.

Oh don't get me started on the sexism of denying girls and women legal weed.

Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.

3. Achieve gender parity in cabinet.

And not only did the male leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - which has never even had a female leader so whoa, eh? - achieve gender parity in his cabinet, but he did it with fewer women than men to work with - multiple times! - the latest in the middle of a leadership coup attempt by one of them!

Anyway, #FakeFeminist is probably trending now on Twitter, which I'm not on but follow, so I thought I'd just blog out a bit of reality, you know, stuff that actually happened that kind of puts the lie to it.

You're welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ha! I'd missed the "fake feminist" accusations - another great read, thank you.
