Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Finally - Your Turn, Men

I came across this yesterday that I waited anxiously until today to post because I'm trying to space my entries out a bit.

See, I'm secretly working for Justin Trudeau to distract you from his detractors because they want Scheer Madness to win the next federal election and I don't. I mean, it won't be the worst thing in the world when we have Scheer Madness, as long as Mueller has reported before then and we have President Pelosi, and then whoever wins the Democratic Party nomination becomes POTUS. But it'll be a shit ton of stupid.

Think fake cowboy convoyers waving their nozzles around and Rebel Media carnival barkers waving their nozzles around and moldy damp basement dwelling incels waving their nozzles around.

Not to mention an infinity of unborn madly plotting their revenge against all us abortion lovers.

So be distracted, please, because I'm guessing that next up will be a barrage of innuendo that Justin Trudeau likes the ladies a little too much for a married man in politics.

Just a hunch. No inside info. And I certainly can't judge another super good looking person for, you know, showing off a bit.

Oh shut it. His potato-faced detractors are the worst hypocrites online right now.

Oops, I'm supposed to be distracting you! So here's this, and I have just one question, which is: Why the hell did it take so long for a woman to do this? C'mon ye sister big ol' beeyatches - step it up, dammit. This should be a concerted effort in every legislature in every country where women can't be imprisoned and tortured just for being women.

Anti-Choice Legislation for Men

"The 36-year-old Democrat went on to lay out her objectives as a bulleted list: Require men to obtain permission from their sexual partner before obtaining a prescription for Viagra. Ban vasectomies in Georgia, and criminalize the doctors who perform them. Classify sex without a condom as “aggravated assault.” Require paternity testing at 8 weeks of pregnancy, and require expectant fathers to begin paying child support immediately. Last but not least, Kendrick proposed a 24-hour waiting period on any men wishing to purchase any porn or sex toys in the state of Georgia."

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