Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A White Male Writes

Oh, you know, I didn't used to be such a big ol' beeyatch (total lie, I was born a big ol' beeyatch) but this column, which will no doubt be counted as not part of the 80% of Conservative commentary in our mainstream media, even though the first several paragraphs read like Conservative campaign literature, is being touted by my socialist friends as an important read on my Facebook feed.

Forget Bigotry - What About Climate Change?!

I don't know Stephen Maher but I know other white male reporters and in my experience their belief that they're non-partisan comes from being white and male, not from being actually non-partisan. Almost to a white man now they come across to me as Conservative. I mean, get real, Canadian media - Andrew Scheer is awful, a throwback to bigoted days gone by, as alt-Right as any of those liberal Feminist hating Proud Boys or Rebel Media stars.

He's also young enough to be my son. How dare a young white man who grew up with such freedom and privilege run for public office so he can reverse all the civil and human rights gains made by my recently deceased 95 year old mother's generation.

The Greatest Generation as Conservatives like to say when they're talking about war and not actual real freedom.

And I'm just a second wave Feminist saying this! (I've been paused here at a resting station beside a statue of Gloria Steinem for a while.)

We still don't know who funded Stephen Harper's leadership campaign, ffs, but the fact is that his first order of business once he had his majority (obtained by committing massive electoral fraud so thanks for that expose, I guess, Stephen Maher) was to destroy our gun registry.

Just like the NRA wanted done. Coincidence? Gee, maybe. But it looks to me like the NRA has some s'plainin' to do to law and order south of the border.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if Andrew Scheer develops a climate change policy or not. It's my opinion that he shouldn't be running for public office at all. But since he is, let him at least not make it easier for white males who don't seem at all bothered by his anti-civil-and-human-rights stances to vote for him because he manages to pull a climate change policy out of Hamish Marshall's ass at the last minute.

Jesus Christ. Such madness, eh? Scheer fucking madness.

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