Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Hey, Lametti, Ya Bum

Be a Liberal and toss all those Harper Gang Republican imports to our justice system your predecessor left behind, please. You know what I'm talking about - mandatory minimums, consecutive sentencing, and so on and so forth and more of the same etc etc.

Then worry about how you're going to get SNC Lavalin a deferred prosecution agreement or not get it one or whatever bullshit we're supposed to pretend is the reason for bi-partisan tag-team Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott and Michelle Rempel and Lisa Raitt and Candice Bergen sabotaging Justin "diversity is our strength" Trudeau to the benefit of Andrew "white nationalist lives matter" Scheer.

Those Republican imports to our justice system are making us so stupid the CBC figures there's nothing else for it but to recriminalize abortion now.

Anyway, no one's asking but if they did, I'd say it's time to stop pretending (in more ways than one - see paragraph two) and defund the CBC. Just, burn it all down, everything we pretended was on our side, Feminists, and let the Sun boys have at 'er, the whole playground to themselves.

Because this is bullshit.

Fire. Them. All.

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