Monday, May 13, 2019

We're All Orange Now

Some time ago now I had a conversation on Facebook with a friend who'd just come back from the trenches on Twitter. He'd been involved in an argument about Syria, and what should be done about the situation there.

All of a sudden, he said, it hit him - he was taking to the mat an argument on a subject he knew next to nothing about.

In front of the whole world.

Well I'd forgotten about that conversation until recently when it popped up in a different form.

This time, though, his insight became my insight.

If I'm truly honest, not only do I have nothing of particular value to add to virtually any discussion about anything online, but if Twitter is any indication, neither does anybody else.

But I can comment on what it's like having a partisan troll factory for a provincial government, because that's what it's like for the people of Ontario now. Doug & the Lugs actually used public money to pay a company to produce a Conservative Party of Canada television commercial. I mean, I don't need a doctorate in Ethics to make the comment that an anti-Trudeau-government-carbon-tax commercial is political party advertising and shouldn't even be on television outside a campaign period, never mind paid for with public money.

Jesus, the future is bleak.

Bill Nye - Climate Change

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