Wednesday, May 15, 2019


So this is the church that Sam Oosterhoff attends: Father Knows Best

But I know atheist men who believe abortion should be illegal, too.

There are politicians and pundits here in Canada who are obsessed - absolutely obsessed - with re-criminalizing abortion. It's not apparent every time they take to their pulpits, but then, there it is, the latest excuse for a law becomes the latest imperative for a law.

It's madness, the compulsion so many men in the world have to enslave the wombs of women they believe are theirs, who belong to their tribe, whether we want to or not. Because, of course, their real concern is that men from another tribe will outnumber them otherwise. And then what do those men do? Why, take over the world, of course.

No sooner was the Ottawa Citizen bought out by Conrad Black than Ottawans were getting regular updates on the progress being made by the Islamic Menace to enslave us all - thanks to western liberal Feminists.

Yes, that's right - thanks to western liberal Feminists. The successful campaign by Canadian Feminists to have abortion taken out of the criminal code and put into our universal healthcare system was the downfall of our civilization.

Prepare to be boarded by the Islamic Menace.

Look, if any of this had anything to do with reverence for the lives of the unborn these men would have been over in China protesting its mandatory abortion policy.

And they weren't, were they.

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