Sunday, May 26, 2019

And Then We Riot

So just did a cruise around Twitter and the gossip looks to be like Jody Wilson-Raybould and her friend Jane Philpott will announce on Monday that they're running for the Green Party in the next federal election.

Anyway, given that Elizabeth May recently stated that Justin Trudeau is more polarizing than Andrew Scheer, I'm going to guess that she's bought in to whatever the two Js are selling - which seems to stem from a personal falling out with JT and subsequent desire to torpedo his career - and believes the Conservatives should replace the Liberals in government with her Green Party playing the role the NDP usually plays.

That would be the "see how right we are you should have voted for us instead of the Liberals, Liberals, and then we'd be the government instead of the Conservatives" role.

I don't know, or care much anymore - people will vote how they will vote - but I note that Elizabeth May's new husband, who looks suspiciously like Sir Anthony Hopkins, is running as a Green Party candidate now, which kind of makes the Green Party even more the Elizabeth May Party than ever. Add in Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott and I guess you could add "and Friends".

So, The Elizabeth May and Husband and Friends Party.

Personally, I lean Green like a mean fighting machine, but politically, I've decided to reward Justin Trudeau's version of the Liberal Party for being unequivocal that it's pro-choice, for making a point of having a gender balanced cabinet and referring to himself both at home and abroad as a Feminist, and for legalizing marijuana and physician assisted dying.

But you can't always get what you want, and if we end up with another federal Conservative Party of Canada government playing politics with our lives, we'll just have to head out into the streets and riot, I guess.

Because that's the thing - there will be nothing else for it.

Get your placards ready.

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